Slow report renderings and start up of report manager

  • Server details are,

    - Dual 3Ghz, 2GB Ram, basic OS/Logs/Data raid setup.

    - Windows 2003 SP1

    - 3 x SQL Server 2000 SP4

    - Reporting Services SP2

    - IIS configurations are all setup as per default installation.

    Data for most of the reports is coming from the same SQL Server instance that hosts the Report Server databases. There are a couple of reports that bring data from other SQL Servers and some from MSDE installations.

    Our little C# app is basically an advanced data-driven email subscription. It grabs a recipient list for a given report from the database. Loops through the DataReader setting the report parameters, rendering the report to a byte array, saving the byte array to a file then attaching the file to an email. In the not to distant future we will do away with the email part and users will access the saved report files via our intranet.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I just try to stay away from RS filters, and pass the query directly to SQL engine and let SQL take care of the query.

  • Are you running any anti virus software ?

    Then try knowledge base article 821438

  • Thanks, I found some interesting articles based on this one.  My server guy tells me we should be running the latest hotfixes.  What I found was teh ASPNET_* files are version 1.1.4322.2300 which is the version included in Windows 2003 SP1 according to some documentation I found at MS.

    When I monitor the CPU in task manager and show kernel time, kernel time CPU goes up tremendously when the CPU usage is high.  The CPU is being consumed by the W3WP.exe.  The kernel time tracks ~ 1/3 - 1/2 the cpu usage consistenly.  I just don't see this behavior of kernel time on other servers. 

    Any other ideas would be appreciated. 

  • I was having similar problems.  Then I tried putting my SQL code into a stored procedure, and I ran the reports from the stored procedure.  My reports now run significantly faster.



  • Anyone here who could help me with my slow report server startup issue. I tried a solution by creating a subscription on a report and scheduling the subscription to run every 30 minutes. I know that the IIS shuts down after 20 mins. But if I try just after 2 mins of running the subscription, I thought it shoul work fine cause the initial time taken would have been by the subscribed report. But it is not and I am running short of ideas now. Changing IIS settings is out of scope as the server which I am using is being used by other projects as well and they wont approve of tampering the settings.

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