Slow Cascade Stored Procedure & Hang

  • Hi All,

    So we have this stored procedure that runs fine most of the times, but we have occasionally encountered that it hangs infinitely and also is very slow. I have pasted the stored procedure code below. Let me know what you'll think

    SELECT @rowCounter = 1, @totalrows = @@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE @rowCounter <= @totalrows


    SELECT @currentId = tempId

    FROM @temp

    WHERE row = @rowCounter


    @newModeledCost =

    case when not exists (select 1 from dbo.DIM_SCENARIO where SCENARIO0_Name = SCENARIO and SCENARIO2_Name = 'Model') then



    (ISNULL(unita,0) * (ISNULL(DriverValue1,0)/ISNULL(NULLIF(DriverValue2,0),1))* ISNULL(UnitB,0))+ISNULL(FixedCost,0)



    @oldModeledCost = ISNULL(ModeledCost,0),

    @newOct = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Oct, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newNov = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Nov, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newDec = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Dec, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newJan = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Jan, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newFeb = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Feb, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newMar = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Mar, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newApr = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Apr, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newMay = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(May, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newJun = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Jun, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newJul = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Jul, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newAug = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Aug, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1))),

    @newSep = (ISNULL(@newModeledCost,0) * (ISNULL(Sep, 0) /ISNULL(NULLIF(@oldModeledCost,0),1)))

    FROM dbo.Calculations

    WHERE BudgetId = @currentId

    UPDATE dbo.Calculations

    SET ModeledCost = @newModeledCost,

    Oct = @newOct,

    Nov = @newNov,

    Dec = @newDec,

    Jan = @newJan,

    Feb = @newFeb,

    Mar = @newMar,

    Apr = @newApr,

    May = @newMay,

    Jun = @newJun,

    Jul = @newJul,

    Aug = @newAug,

    Sep = @newSep,

    Username = 'Cascade',

    lastmodified = getdate()

    WHERE BudgetId = @currentId

    AND @oldModeledCost <> 0

    SET @rowCounter = @rowCounter + 1


  • Any thoughts people ?

  • The "hangs infinitely" could be abother process blocking your proc. We can't know from the information presented. Have you looked at what else is running on the system when it hangs?

    The "is slow" is not surprising given the fact that it employs a loop and uses tons of function calls. Converting the proc to use set-based logic and cleaning up the data so you do not need all those cleansing functions every time you do an update would be a step in the right direction.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • This looks an awful lot like a loop that is running inside either another loop or a cursor. I agree that the only way you are going to improve performance on this is to completely rewrite this as a set based operation. There is really no need to loop like this for updates.


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  • Thanks guys. I'll try out your sugesstions and reply back.. Thanks!!!

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