Simulate Identity column

  • HI all

    I need to insert rows to a table  the table has a unique key, integer for item_id containing a seqential number,  (not and identity columne)the talble is [provided be a third party vendor so can modify it's design.


    So I need to start with a base value, (last value of item_id + 1)

    and increment by one for each row I insert. How would you suggest doing this?




  • Use a temp table and identity column

    create table #temp1 (rowid int, col1 char(1))

    insert into #temp1 values (1,'A')

    insert into #temp1 values (2,'B')

    insert into #temp1 values (3,'C')

    create table #temp (rowid int identity(1,1), col1 char(1))

    insert into #temp (col1) values ('D')

    insert into #temp (col1) values ('E')

    insert into #temp (col1) values ('F')

    insert into #temp1

    (rowid, col1)

    select (select max(rowid) from #temp)+rowid, col1

    from #temp

    select * from #temp1

    drop table #temp1

    drop table #temp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • You can use an 'INSTEAD OF' trigger. For optimal performance, you could also store the current maximum in an other table. Example below uses select max() to get the current maximum.

    create table dbo.tbl(  item_id int constraint UK_tbl UNIQUE, f2 varchar(10)  )


    create trigger tbl_i

    on dbo.tbl

    INSTEAD OF insert



     declare @maxitem_id int

     declare @f2 varchar(10)

     declare ins cursor LOCAL FAST_FORWARD for select f2 from inserted

     -- Get the current maximum. Use 1 if no rows ...

     set @maxitem_id = null

     select @maxitem_id = max(item_id) + 1 from dbo.tbl

     if @maxitem_id is null set @maxitem_id = 1


     open ins

     goto NEXTins

     while @@fetch_status = 0


      insert dbo.tbl (item_id,f2 ) values (@maxitem_id,@f2)

      set @maxitem_id = @maxitem_id + 1

      NEXTins:  fetch ins into @f2


     close ins

     deallocate ins



    insert tbl values ( 10,'test 1' )

    insert tbl values ( 10,'test 2')

    insert tbl values ( 10,'test 3' )

    insert tbl values ( 10,'test 4' )

    insert tbl values ( 10,'test 5' )


    select * from tbl

  • Bert

    thanks , I never would have thought of an Instead of Trggger


  • David,


    thanks for your reply, looks like a great technique.

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