Simplifying a CASE statement

  • Hi  I'm new to CASE statements and wondering if the following can be simplified:

    SELECT   CASE WHEN ExchangeRate > 0 THEN Sales_Price / ExchangeRate ELSE Sales_Price END AS Sales_Price,
          CASE WHEN ExchangeRate > 0 THEN TransCost / ExchangeRate ELSE TransCost END AS TransCost,
         CASE WHEN ExchangeRate > 0 THEN CostPrice / ExchangeRate ELSE CostPrice END AS CostPrice,
          CASE WHEN ExchangeRate > 0 THEN (Sales_Price / ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight ELSE Sales_Price * Total_Kilo_Weight END AS TotalSales,
          CASE WHEN ExchangeRate > 0 THEN (CostPrice / ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight ELSE CostPrice * Total_Kilo_Weight END AS TotalCost
    FROM    dbo.Sales_Order_Products

    Thanks, Lorna

  • Lorna

    This will reduce the number of CASE expressions.  Whether it's actually simpler is for you to decide!

    WITH RemoveZeros AS (
            CASE ExchangeRate
                WHEN 0 THEN 1
                ELSE ExchangeRate
            END AS NonZeroRate
        ,    Sales_Price
        ,    Transcost
        ,    CostPrioce
        ,    Total_Kilo_Weight
        FROM dbo.Sales_Order_Products
        TransCost / ExchangeRate AS TransCost,
        CostPrice / ExchangeRate AS CostPrice,
        (Sales_Price / ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight AS TotalSales,
        (CostPrice / ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight AS TotalCost
    FROM RemoveZeros


  • Here's another way - it works exactly the same way as John's code but makes fewer changes to the original:


    Sales_Price / x.ExchangeRate AS Sales_Price,

    TransCost / x.ExchangeRate AS TransCost,

    CostPrice / x.ExchangeRate AS CostPrice,

    (Sales_Price / x.ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight AS TotalSales,

    (CostPrice / x.ExchangeRate) * Total_Kilo_Weight AS TotalCost

    FROM dbo.Sales_Order_Products

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT ExchangeRate = ISNULL(NULLIF(ExchangeRate,0),1)) x

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Thank you John and Chris.  I pasted the code from Chris (as that looked simpler) into a VIEW, but it doesn't work, do I need to declare X??  Sorry, not experienced in using variables :-).
    Oh just ran it again, and it works perfectly, it just couldn't express it in table view.  Would have deleted this post but couldn't find a way to.

  • Lorna-331036 - Wednesday, July 12, 2017 5:34 AM

    Thank you John and Chris.  I pasted the code from Chris (as that looked simpler) into a VIEW, but it doesn't work, do I need to declare X??  Sorry, not experienced in using variables :-).
    Oh just ran it again, and it works perfectly, it just couldn't express it in table view.  Would have deleted this post but couldn't find a way to.

    x isn't a variable, it's an alias. Is this case, Chris has name the result set from the CROSS APPLY "x", and he references the field by using x. .

    Aliasing objects in SQL is incredibly useful, and also makes reading it a lot easier. Consider the below:

    SELECT MyTableHasARatherLongName.ID,
    FROM MyTableHasARatherLongName
      JOIN ThisTableAlsoHasARatherLargeName ON MyTableHasARatherLongName.ID = ThisTableAlsoHasARatherLargeName.FID;

    That SQL isn't exactly friendly. The field names are large and bulky, because of the "long" table names and lack of aliasing. Instead, you could do something like this:
    FROM MyTableHasARatherLongName MT --Aliased as "MT", as the object name starts with "MyTable"
      JOIN ThisTableAlsoHasARatherLargeName TT ON MT.ID = TT.FID; --Aliased as "TT" as it starts with "ThisTable"

    As you can see, the second example is much easier on the eyes, but you can still easily tell which table each column came from by checking the aliases.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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