Simple Table update


    Can anyone help with this?????? Two tables and their fields......

    Table 1 -





    Table 2 -   Shop



    Table1 contains a list of customers and the shops and branches which they belong to aswell as week numbers.

    Table2 contains all a list of all different branches in ONE shop only and Week numbers.

    One shop consists of many branches, e.g. Shop1 can include branch1, branch2, branch3 etc......

    There may be many customers in any one shop/branch combination, e.g. Shop1,Branch1 may contain many customers

    Need to populate a 'TotalCustomers' field in Table2 which gives the total number of customers in each shop/branch combination at any given week.

    The code below only returns the total number of customers in Table1 for the shop in table2 (remember table two only consists of ONE shop containing many branches, whereas

    Table1 contains  details of all customers for all shops/branches)

    update  Table2

    set  TotalCustomers= (select count(T1.CustNumber)

                                 from  Table1.T1,


                                  where  T1.Shop = T2.Shop

                                  and  T1.Branch = T2.Branch

                                  and  T1.Week = T2.Week

    Any ideas how to change this to get the total number of customers in each shop/branch combination at any given week?


    Thanks for your help guys.


    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Update t2
    set TotalCustomers = custCount

    from table2 t2 join (select count(CustNumber) custCount,Shop,Branch,week
    from table1
    group by shop,branch,week) t1

    on t2.Shop =
    where t1.week = t2.week and t1.branch  = t2.branch

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

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