Simple RDBMS scripts for Login Mockup

  • I am looking for a quick model to do a mock up from for a login process. I went to codeplex and the AdventureWorks stuff is way more than I need right now and I didn't really see what I was after anyway.

    We are looking to prototype and business concept and I just need what I believe to be pretty standard structure. A users table, roles, etc. I just need to db part of it and was hoping there was some simple model or script out there I could throw into SQL and get started faster.

  • Hi,

    I think that the AdventureWorks DB should really do the trick for you.

    It comes with an installer, just run it, choose the DBs you want and 1 or 2 minutes later you're done.

    (considerably quicker than hunting and running a bunch of scripts).

    You can then easily add roles, users, operators and what have you ...



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