Simple Log Shipper

  • All but 3 of our databases are replicated to a standby server.  The remaining 3 databases were not designed with replication in mind and have been a thorn in my side for some time. 

    I have now been asked to use Simple Log Shipping to get those remaining databases relatively current on the standby server.

    Our database script does a full backup once a day.  Between full backups are differentials every 6 hours and transaction backups every 15 minutes.

    I want to set up log shipping to occur every 15 minutes. 

    Right now, my biggest concern is how the backup script and the log shipping might interfere.  If I keep the backup script running, will I lose transactions when the full backup occurs?  If I drop these three databases from the full backup, wouldn't my transaction logs keep growing forever? 

    Any advice will be much appreciated.



  • transaction logs will not backup until the regular backup is finished. there will just be a lag in transaction logs backups.

    you will not lose any transactions. you will just have a larger than normal transaction log backup following the regular backup.

    no need to drop dbs from the backup. but if you do the transaction log backups will also keep your transaction log size under control.

    you'll want to have the truncate log on checkpoint option set to true via sp_dboption (i think this is the default)and the recovery model set to full to take advantage of logshipping.



  • If you change the Recovery Model to Simple (truncate log on checkpoint), Log shipping will not work!!!

    Because you will not be able to take Log backup. Please refer white paper from Microsoft.;en-us;323135



  • Thanks for pointing out the recovery mode issue.  Fortunately, it is standard practice for all databases to be set to full recovery mode for us. 

    It looks like I should be able to move forward in setting up SLS.  I'll just watch it closely for awhile to make sure everything gets applied.  If nothing else, it's better than the current state that we have (nothing).

    Thanks for the help,


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