shrinking data file on primary server does not shrink data file on logshipping server

  • Recently I developed a script to move user objects to newly created data file, then shrink the original file (command: DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'DataFile' , 100)) to reduce the disk space usage. however I found:

    1. on the logshipping server, the second data file is created.

    2. the original data file is not changed. though the data file on the primary server has shrunk to 100MB

    We developed a tool ourself to do the logshipping, e.g. sending all trn files to another data center and restore the trn file, the databases in DR site remains in restoring status.

    Does anyone knows what prevent the data file to be shrunk at DR site?


  • I restored it to standby mode which shrink the data file successfully.

    (no operation can be performed in norecovery mode)

  • i1888 - Sunday, June 24, 2018 6:55 PM

    I restored it to standby mode which shrink the data file successfully.

    (no operation can be performed in norecovery mode)

    did you solved your problems? how  did you move user objects to newly created data file?

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