shrink size of Access app by grabbing subset of all table data

  • hiya,

    I've been handed an Access 2003 app that I want to convert to yukon.However, before I can do that, I need to get a copy of the app on a datastick to find out how the app works.

    I want to minimise the size of the app, by selecting only the TOP 5 records from each table.

    After all, all I currently need is a working copy to play with.

    Can this be done?Preferably without having to write any queries.Maybe there is a better way?

    Many thanks,


  • hiya,

    So I just have to copy the entire app over?

    If someone can reply, even to confirm that this is the case, then that'd be much appreciated.



  • From Access Help

    "Dim strGetSQL As String

    strGetSQL = "SELECT TOP 10 Products.[ProductName] " _

    & "AS TenMostExpensiveProducts, Products.UnitPrice FROM Products " _

    & "ORDER BY Products.[UnitPrice] DESC;"

    Me.RecordSource = strGetSQL"

    Would recommend not doing this though as you may miss child records in other tables, reference data etc ... ?

    Make sure to compact the DB also (Tools | Database Utilities)

  • It sounds really boring to do, but if its for a `make a 1 off play copy`, there arent too many tables and there arent too many records in them (xxx,xxx's) then its probably as quick make a copy of your db and...

    - open and view each table in access (thats a double click of the mouse)

    - go to and select the last record (populates the table) (2 mouse clicks to do that)

    - scroll up to the top of the table in your view (a click a scroll of the mouse)

    - shift click about 6 rows from the top (another click)

    - press the delete key with a couple of confirmations

    Its dirty compaired to a nice elegant solution, but sometimes but the time your elegant solution is ready, coudl coudl have got the dirty way done and dusted and been down the pub.



  • righto, thanks for taking the time.

    I hope I didn't come across as being lazy.I was looking for an approach to do this so that that I could "re-use" this approach in the future.

    I was lost in googleland.I'll do it the quick way that was kindly suggested.

    thanks all,


  • re-usable approach for the future

    ive knocked together a quick database (you can grab it for the access database along with some prefilled tables so you can see it wiping them)

    the code goes as follows - its about 40 times more long winded than you actually need, all it does is cycle through the tables collection, then runs a delete statement on non system tables leaving `rowstokeep` number of records in each table.

    Im a sucker for status fields telling you whats going on, so everything else just fill a couple of controls in a form in the database with information on what stage the code has reached. Far prettier than a debug.print

    You can play with the ORDER BY direction to change if its the first or last rows in the table that are deleted.

    Ive highlighted the couple of important lines in green

    many thanks



    Option Compare Database

    Option Explicit

    ' (c) 2005 Martin Bastable

    ' Please feel free to use this in whatever way you see fit!

    Private Sub DoIt_Click()

        Dim count As Integer

        Dim tbl As TableDef

        Dim db As Database

        Dim rowcount As Integer

        Dim fieldname As String

        Dim statustxt As String


        Const rowstokeep As Integer = 5


        Set db = CurrentDb()


        count = db.TableDefs.count

        statustxt = "Keeping top " & rowstokeep & " for all non system tables" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        For Each tbl In Db.TableDefs

            count = count - 1

            DoIt.Caption = "Processing '" & tbl.Name & "' (" & count & " still to go)"

            statustxt = statustxt & "Processing '" & tbl.Name & "' (" & count & " still to go)" & vbCrLf

            ' a quick and dirty check, we dont want to go wiping system tables!

            If Left(tbl.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then

                statustxt = statustxt & tbl.Name & " skipped (system table)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

                setstatus statustxt


                ' delete all but the top 5 entries

                ' first - how many entries we have

                setstatus statustxt & "- Counting " & tbl.Name

                rowcount = DCount("*", tbl.Name)

                statustxt = statustxt & "- " & rowcount & " found, "


                If rowcount > rowstokeep Then

                    ' and delete all but the top 'rowstokeep'

                    ' 'rowcount - rowstokeep' gives us the total number of rows after we keep our top few

                    statustxt = statustxt & rowcount - rowstokeep & " to be deleted" & vbCrLf

                    setstatus statustxt & "- deleting please wait..."


                    ' we do need a fieldname to do some sql with, as DELETE TOP x FROM table doesnt seem to work in access!

                    ' first one will do, were not fussy

                    fieldname = tbl.Fields(0).Name


                    ' we don't want lots of warnings

                    DoCmd.SetWarnings False

                    db.Execute "DELETE * FROM [" & tbl.Name & "] WHERE [" & fieldname & "] NOT IN (SELECT TOP " & rowstokeep & " [" & fieldname & "] FROM [" & tbl.Name & "] ORDER BY [" & fieldname & "])"

                    DoCmd.SetWarnings True

                    statustxt = statustxt & "- " & rowcount - rowstokeep & " deleted!"


                    statustxt = statustxt & "not enough to delete"

                End If


                statustxt = statustxt & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

                setstatus statustxt


            End If



        statustxt = statustxt & "ALL FINISHED!"

        setstatus statustxt

        DoIt.Caption = "Done!"



    End Sub

    Private Sub setstatus(val As String)

        Status = val


        Status.SelStart = Len(val)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

        DoIt.Caption = "Go!"

        setstatus ("")

    End Sub

  • cheers martin,

    I'll give it a go.


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