Shrink DB and Log on 2008

  • Can any one tell me how to shrink log file.

    I have a database in that log file is 15 GB and data file size is 148 MB.

    Please can someone help me for this..

    Thanx in advance

    Satish R


    -Vikas Bindra

  • Thanks Vikas for quick reply, I already use


    for reducing my database but it not work. Database base log file size remain same.

    I also run a script:-

    but this is only for 2005 not for 2008.

    Is their any other way to comprase/Delete Log file.


    -Satish R

  • I have a database in that log file is 15 GB and data file size is 148 MB.

    is your DB 15gb and log = 148? or the ther way around?

    either way, you can try the easy way:

    in SSMS, right click the DB, Tasks, Shrink, Files.

    You will see a screen with options:

    Set: FILE TYPE to Log

    At the Bottom you wil se Shrink Action Options:

    1. Release unused space

    2. Reorganize Pages ......

    3. Empty file by moigrating data.

    my choice is 1 or 2.

    3 will give you sort of the same result as Truncating it. But it wont make the file smaller, just emptier.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • satish.ratnaparkhi (11/19/2009)

    Thanks Vikas for quick reply, I already use


    for reducing my database but it not work. Database base log file size remain same.

    I also run a script:-

    but this is only for 2005 not for 2008.

    Is their any other way to comprase/Delete Log file.


    -Satish R

    Hi Satish,

    If DBCC SHRINKFILE with target size is not working then can you open DBCC SHRINKFILE in BOL and there a section "The File Does Not Shrink", try the steps provided there and let us know the output.

    -Vikas Bindra

  • After doing whatever proccess told by Henrico. Database size remain same, and in my database ldf size is 15gb and mdf size is 200mb.

    Actually I want to make ldf size smaller. so I can restore into the testing server, for futher testing.

    With DBCC SHRINKFILE option I think it is not possible. So, Is there any other way to do it.


    Satish R

  • Please read through this - Managing Transaction Logs[/url]

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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