Should be a simple query but...

  • I have a simple music database. When they add a song to the user master table,

    it pulls it from the master table. They then can edit the data from the user

    master table. I've been stumped on how to join this for days.

    What my question is, and what I am stumped on is: How can I create a view where

    I spit out "artist, title, discno, trackno" and replace the artist and title

    from the master table from the user master if it is not null and does exist in

    the user master table.

    Below is both table schemas. The @ denotes the primary key of the table.

    /* *** Master Table *** */
    _ Title
    _ Artist
    _ Description (Manufacturer)
    @ DiscNo
    @ TrackNo

    /* *** User Master Table *** */
    _ Title
    _ Artist
    _ Description (Manufacturer)
    @ DiscNo
    @ TrackNo
    @ Email
    @ SongbookName


    Rick Ratayczak

  • Something like this should work :

    IsNULL(M.Title, U.Title),
    IsNull(M.Artist, U.Artist),
    FROM Master M
    LEFT OUTER JOIN UserMaster U
    ON M.DiscNo = U.DiscNo
    AND M.TrackNo = U.TrackNo

    You will have multiple records when there are more than one user specifying additional information, for a single discno-trackno combination.

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