Sharepoint crashing SQL

  • I originally posted this in the wrong section....sorry

    We have a server on 2012 R2 Windows and 2014 SP1 Enterprise SQL. It seems to run out of memory even though when you watch the task manager it doesn't appear to be running out of memory at all. When running a standard db integrity check it crashes and when doing a standard SharePoint crawl it crashes. It has plenty of hard disk space and has 72Gb RAM. Maximum server memory (in MB) was set to 6000. This has been changed to 2147483647 and we are still having the issue.





  • What errors are you seeing in the error logs (SQL and Windows)?

  • In Windows I'm seeing "There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query." and I see nothing in SQL



  • Kris-155042 (5/15/2016)

    I originally posted this in the wrong section....sorry

    We have a server on 2012 R2 Windows and 2014 SP1 Enterprise SQL. It seems to run out of memory even though when you watch the task manager it doesn't appear to be running out of memory at all. When running a standard db integrity check it crashes and when doing a standard SharePoint crawl it crashes. It has plenty of hard disk space and has 72Gb RAM. Maximum server memory (in MB) was set to 6000. This has been changed to 2147483647 and we are still having the issue.



    First, I agree with Jack, what error messages are you seeing in the Windows and SQL logs.

    Second, and more. Don't use Task Manager to monitor memory. When max memory was set to 6000 MB, that is only 6 GB. Setting max memory to 2147483647 MB well exceeds the 72 GB your server has and could cause SQL Server to starve the OS of memory. You might try 61440 MB which is 60 GB and will leave 12 GB for the OS. You may need to adjust this up or down depending on what else is running on the server.

    But again, what error messages are you seeing in the logs?

  • I have found this error, not sure if it's the problem:

    2016-05-16 09:10:40.17 Server SQL Server is attempting to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will not be possible until a SPN is registered for the SQL Server service. This is an informational message. No user action is required.

    2016-05-16 09:10:40.26 Server The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/SQL1.domain.local ] for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: 0x2098, state: 15. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered.

    2016-05-16 09:10:40.26 Server The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/SQL1.domain.local:1770 ] for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: 0x2098, state: 15. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered.

    I have now changed the memory to 61440



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