sharedwowdir install eror

  • Hope someone has some tips before I decide to just scrub the server and start again -

    SQL2008 Standard 64bit on windows 2008

    I fell for the 64bit install bug where install complains if shared feature directory and shared feature directory (x86) are not the same (ie 64bit and WOW shared components). Install basically does not allow you to change the default directory but it is my practice for installs to move them. What it did allow me to do was change the location for both of them, and stupidly I changed them to the same value (because it allowed me too).

    Install completed OK but now I get a failure trying to apply SP1 -

    The INSTANCESHAREDWOWDIR command line value is not valid. Please ensure the specified path is valid and different than the INSTANCESHAREDDIR path.

    Realising my mistake I decided to uninstall and start again, but I get the same error! So I am now stuck, I cannot patch the install and I cannot remove it.

    I have tried editing the configuration.ini file from the original install to change the value for the WOW directory to the default but to no avail.

    Any ideas?


  • Same issue I faced and I have redo the installation with default path. It seems there are two work around

    Method 1: Use the default path

    Ø If you can use the default path for the shared components, do not change the path in the Shared component directory box on the Feature Selection screen of the Install SQL Server 2008 Setup wizard. If you change the path, you will receive the error message that is specified in the "Symptoms" section. If this occurs, click Cancel, and then restart the SQL Server 2008 installation.

    Method 2: Use the /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR setup parameter

    Ø If you have to specify a different folder location for the shared components, follow these steps:

    Start the SQL Server 2008 installation by using the /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR parameter at the command prompt. The /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR parameter specifies the location to install the 32-bit shared component files.

    On the Feature Selection screen, specify the folder to install the 64-bit shared component files in the Shared component directory box.

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  • I got the same error yesterday, and solved it by running setup from the command line:

    setup.exe /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR="D:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft SQL Server" /INSTALLSHAREDDIR="D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" /ACTION=install

    It appears to be a known bug with the installer, for 64bit:

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  • Mazz,

    make sure you can apply SP1 before going any further.

    I managed to get it to install but made the mistake of specifying the same changed location for the directories (thru the GUI). Now I cannot patch the install or remove it, that is the problem I have.


  • I see. Odd that it won't even let you uninstall.

    I got through SP1 and CU8 fine after that. It was the inital setting the same locations through the GUI that threw up the error and I couldn't get further than that, until using that cmd trick.

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  • yes odd and quite annoying.

    I am going to wipe the server and start again as the best way out of this.

    shame it allowed me to install shareddir and sharewowdir as the same when it obviously doesn't like that setup.

    Thank lord I did not slipstream SP1 and hit this problem with the next SP after I had gone live

    A bug MS need to fix methinks


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