Setting up report schedule

  • In SQL RS Report Manager, what is the difference in setting up a schedule in the 'Execution' section and the 'History' section (under the Properties tab)?

    Scenario #1:

    In the Execution section, I select 'Render this report from an execution snapshot', check the box to create a schedule, then setup a report-specific schedule.  In the history section, I check the box for 'Store all report execution snapshots in history'.

    Scenario #2:

    In the History section, I check the box for 'Use the following schedule to add snapshots to report history.'  Then I setup a 'Report-specific schedule'.

    Both ways will add an entry in the history list.  Am I missing something or can you set a schedule up either way and have it do the same thing?  Is there something that Scenario 1 does that 2 doesn't, or vice versa?



  • Unless I'm missing the same thing you are they do seem to perform the same function.

    I haven't tried this but maybe it's something to do with the roles. Possibly a different role won't have access to the execution page, or vice-versa.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks for your response Phill.

    I've found one difference (so far) between the two setups.  I setup a new subscription for the report and in the 'Subscription Processing Options' section, I selected "When the report content was refreshed. This option is available only for report snapshots."

    I then setup schedules both ways (from my original post), and I noticed that the subscriptions weren't working when I used the History section to setup the schedule.  Scenario #2 from above.

    They only work when I setup the schedule in the Execution section.  Scenario #1 from above.

    I haven't had a chance to check the idea that it may have something to do with roles.


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