Setting up E-mail service

  • I am not sure if I should be posting this thread here, or in "SQL Server Agent", but here goes:

    I am trying to set up my SQL 2000 server to enable the sending of E-mail messages (at this moment, I just want it to send out Job Status, errors, etc...).  My Server is configured to use MS Outlook.  I can open Outlook from the Start Menu, and send/recieve Emails manually, but when I attempt to configure SQL, it does not seem to see my profile.

    I work in a corporate environment, and we have an Exchange server for E-mail.  (I am not even sure as to what "rights" I have on the server, as far what as corporate policies are in effect.)

    Is Exchange a valid "Mapi" account?  Can someone help point me in the correct direction for this?



  • Save yourself some grief dealing with Outlook profiles and MAPI. Get xp_smtp_sendmail from

    Once the DLL is registered in SQL Server there is no further setup required. It just needs to be able to access a SMTP server someone on the network.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • But if you want SQL Agent job and error notifications you have to manually script the jobs and change them to use the smtp dll.  We use both because smtp is more reliable in most instances for application e-mails but also use the SQL Mail for agent e-mails. 

    The trick to setting up the Outlook Profiles it to do it as logged in as your SQL Agent service account.  We use a domain account that has it's own mailbox.  Once you set up the profile as that account it should be available to select.

    Agreed it's a mess to be set up but it can be done.

    Thank you MS SQL developers for Database Mail in 2005!!!


  • "manually script the jobs and change them to use the smtp dll."

    Yes, I suppose that is one way of doing it. We have an automated procedure that adds an "On Failure" step to jobs that don't already have one. This step calls a stored procedure which extracts job failure details from the table in the msdb database and then sends the email.

    For SQL Agent Alerts it's even simpler, we have a job that sends an email utilising SQL Agent Tokens ( All alerts are defined to execute this job.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Yes, Exchange is a valid MAPI compliant mail client.

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