Setting up an alert to catch a failure in a DTS package execution

  • Hi.

    I am trying to set-up an alert that will fire when a DTS package fails and a error message appears in the Windows Event Log. I have no problem getting the error to appear in the event logm but cannot get the alert to catch it.

    I am at my first glance into setting up an alert. Books on-line doesn't help much.

    Can anybody help me into this?


  • You could use a trigger on sysjobhistory to check for a job failure (if the dts is executed from there). You can then trap the raiserror as an alert.


    CREATE trigger trg_stepfailures

    on sysjobhistory

    for insert


    declare @strcmd varchar(1000),@strRecipient varchar(500),@strMsg varchar(3000), @subject varchar(100)


    if exists (select * from inserted where run_status = 0 and step_name <> '(job outcome)')


     select  @strMsg =  @@servername + ' Job ' + +char(13) + char(13) + 'Step ' +

     inserted.step_name +char(13)+char(13)+ 'Message ' + inserted.message

     from inserted

     join sysjobs

     on inserted.job_id = sysjobs.job_id

     where inserted.run_status = 0


    raiserror (@strMsg, 16, 10) with log





    Or you could put a trigger on the sysdtssteplog table, which would look for a failed step in a dts package.


    CREATE trigger trg_dtsfailures

    on sysdtssteplog

    for insert


    declare @strcmd varchar(1000),@strRecipient varchar(500),@strMsg varchar(3000), @subject varchar(100)


    if exists (select * from inserted where errorcode != 0)


     select  @strMsg =  @@servername + ' DTS ' + +char(13) + char(13) + 'Failed'

     from inserted

     join sysdtspackagelog d

     on inserted.lineagefull = d.lineagefull

     where inserted.errorcode != 0

    raiserror (@strMsg, 16, 10) with log



    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Thanks for the script.

    I will try it, but is there a reason I can't trap the message already created in the event log? Is it because it is not present in the SQL error log?



  • Can't get the trigger to work. I found in BOL.


    Note  Because SQL Server does not support user-defined triggers on system tables, it is recommended that no user-defined triggers be created on system tables.


    The sysdtssteplog is a system table. Can we still do the trigger?

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