Setting global variable value help

  • I have a dts that uses a global variable that is used in the dynamic properties and has a value of a file location and filename. The variable is set using a query which adds the file location and filename and also current day and month to the end ie

    \\directory\folder\filename.filetype + current day-month

    I need to change the value of the global variable when my dts gets to a specific process. I have an activex script that changes the value (file location and filename) and this work fine but i cant same to get the code to add the current day and month to the end, how do i concatenate the global variable value with the the current day and month added on at the end?

  • Try

    DTSGlobalVariable("Filepath").value = "\\directory\folder\filename " & DatePart("d",Date()) & " " & DatePart("m",Date()) & ".filetype"

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