Set query order by comparison result of two fields

  • I have a dataset like below:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmpRate](
        [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [CancerType] [varchar](50) NULL,
        [Sex] [varchar](20) NULL,
        [Rate] [float] NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Some sample data are like below:

    Insert into tmpRate Values (135,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'    ,0.23)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'    ,0.11)    
    Insert into tmpRate Values (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (148,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0.53)

    What I need to get is the result sorted in the order of the last field Rate:
    If the Rate for Male is higher than Female to same CancerType, then take Male's Rate, otherwise takes Female's Rate

    Thank you very much, any suggestion is welcome and appreciated.

  • I don't understand this bit

    If the Rate for Male is higher than Female to same CancerType, then take Male's Rate, otherwise takes Female's Rate

    Can you show us what the results would look like, based on your sample data?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • SELECT *
        Values (135,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0.23)
        ,    (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
        ,    (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
        ,    (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
        ,    (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
        ,    (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
        ,    (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
        ,    (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
        ,    (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)
        ,    (148,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0.53)
    ) tmpRate(ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate)
    ORDER BY MAX(Rate) OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType) DESC, CancerType, Rate DESC, Sex


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:18 PM

    SELECT *
        Values (135,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0.23)
        ,    (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
        ,    (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
        ,    (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
        ,    (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
        ,    (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
        ,    (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
        ,    (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
        ,    (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)
        ,    (148,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0.53)
    ) tmpRate(ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate)
    ORDER BY MAX(Rate) OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType) DESC, CancerType, Rate DESC, Sex


    Thank you Drew,

    The result is not what is expecting:

    for each CancerType, only the higher one will be included in the final result, so the result should look like the following:

    1    Bladder (including in situ)    Males    0.77
    2    Anus    Males    0.55
    3    Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)    Males    0.53
    4    Acute myeloid leukemia    Females    0.34
    5    Acute lymphocytic leukemia    Females    0.23

  • With CTE AS
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType Order by Rate desc) as 'Row'
    FROM tmpRate
    SELECT ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate
    WHERE Row = 1
    ORDER BY Rate desc

  • Jeff Atherton - Thursday, March 2, 2017 1:13 PM

    With CTE AS
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType Order by Rate desc) as 'Row'
    FROM tmpRate
    SELECT ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate
    WHERE Row = 1
    ORDER BY Rate desc

    Thank you very much, it gets me the needed result.

  • You're welcome. If you haven't worked with Common Table Expressions that much just note that any statement that comes before it will need to end with a semicolon.  Some people will just start their CTE with it... 

    ;WITH CTE AS ...

  • halifaxdal - Thursday, March 2, 2017 12:44 PM

    drew.allen - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:18 PM

    SELECT *
        Values (135,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0.23)
        ,    (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
        ,    (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
        ,    (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
        ,    (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
        ,    (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
        ,    (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
        ,    (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
        ,    (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)
        ,    (148,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0.53)
    ) tmpRate(ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate)
    ORDER BY MAX(Rate) OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType) DESC, CancerType, Rate DESC, Sex


    Thank you Drew,

    The result is not what is expecting:

    for each CancerType, only the higher one will be included in the final result, so the result should look like the following:

    1    Bladder (including in situ)    Males    0.77
    2    Anus    Males    0.55
    3    Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)    Males    0.53
    4    Acute myeloid leukemia    Females    0.34
    5    Acute lymphocytic leukemia    Females    0.23

    This is why we ask for EXPECTED RESULTS as well as sample data.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Thursday, March 2, 2017 3:07 PM

    halifaxdal - Thursday, March 2, 2017 12:44 PM

    drew.allen - Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:18 PM

    SELECT *
        Values (135,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0.23)
        ,    (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
        ,    (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
        ,    (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
        ,    (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
        ,    (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
        ,    (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
        ,    (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
        ,    (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)
        ,    (148,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0.53)
    ) tmpRate(ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate)
    ORDER BY MAX(Rate) OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType) DESC, CancerType, Rate DESC, Sex


    Thank you Drew,

    The result is not what is expecting:

    for each CancerType, only the higher one will be included in the final result, so the result should look like the following:

    1    Bladder (including in situ)    Males    0.77
    2    Anus    Males    0.55
    3    Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)    Males    0.53
    4    Acute myeloid leukemia    Females    0.34
    5    Acute lymphocytic leukemia    Females    0.23

    This is why we ask for EXPECTED RESULTS as well as sample data.


    Yes, thank you Drew, my bad.

  • I am to generate the result using the adapted script below:

    Create Proc spListSurvivalRate
    Set rowcount 0;
    With CTE AS
      ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType Order by Rate desc) as 'Row'
    FROM tmpRate
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CancerType, Rate desc, Sex) as ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate
    Where Sex <> 'Both sexes'
    ORDER BY CancerType, Rate desc, Sex

    With the understand of certain CancerType might apply to only one Sex, how can I modify the script so that the result always show result for both Sex (show 0 if not applicable)?

    The final result would look like below (order by Cancer Type, Sex)

    1  Anus  Males  0.55
    2  Anus  Females  0
    3  Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)  Males  0
    4 Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)  Females  0.53
    5  Acute myeloid leukemia  Males 0.34
    6  Acute myeloid leukemia  Females  0.23

    I hope it is clear.

    Thank you.

  • halifaxdal - Thursday, March 2, 2017 4:53 PM

    drew.allen - Thursday, March 2, 2017 3:07 PM

    This is why we ask for EXPECTED RESULTS as well as sample data.


    Yes, thank you Drew, my bad.

    halifaxdal - Monday, March 6, 2017 7:51 AM

    I am to generate the result using the adapted script below:

    Create Proc spListSurvivalRate
    Set rowcount 0;
    With CTE AS
      ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY CancerType Order by Rate desc) as 'Row'
    FROM tmpRate
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY CancerType, Rate desc, Sex) as ID, CancerType, Sex, Rate
    Where Sex <> 'Both sexes'
    ORDER BY CancerType, Rate desc, Sex

    With the understand of certain CancerType might apply to only one Sex, how can I modify the script so that the result always show result for both Sex (show 0 if not applicable)?

    Thank you.

    You need to update your data to include records for 'Both sexes' and then update your expected results.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Monday, March 6, 2017 9:05 AM

    You need to update your data to include records for 'Both sexes' and then update your expected results.


    Thank Drew.

    The new data is like :

    Insert into tmpRate Values (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
    Insert into tmpRate Values (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)

    The expected output:

    1,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11
    2,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0
    3,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34
    4,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13
    7,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77
    8,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76
    9,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18
    10,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0

  • halifaxdal - Monday, March 6, 2017 9:31 AM

    drew.allen - Monday, March 6, 2017 9:05 AM

    You need to update your data to include records for 'Both sexes' and then update your expected results.


    Thank Drew.

    The new data is like :

    Insert into tmpRate Values (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
    Insert into tmpRate Values (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)

    The expected output:

    1,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11
    2,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0
    3,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34
    4,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13
    7,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77
    8,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76
    9,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18
    10,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0

    These results do not match your previous requirements.  Specifically, they are not sorted in the correct order and they include records for both sexes when you previously stated that you only wanted the record with the highest percentage.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Monday, March 6, 2017 12:26 PM

    halifaxdal - Monday, March 6, 2017 9:31 AM

    drew.allen - Monday, March 6, 2017 9:05 AM

    You need to update your data to include records for 'Both sexes' and then update your expected results.


    Thank Drew.

    The new data is like :

    Insert into tmpRate Values (136,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11) 
    Insert into tmpRate Values (138,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (139,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (141,'Anus','Females',0.44)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (142,'Anus','Males',0.55)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (144,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (145,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77)
    Insert into tmpRate Values (147,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18)

    The expected output:

    1,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Males'  ,0.11
    2,'Acute lymphocytic leukemia','Females'  ,0
    3,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Females',0.34
    4,'Acute myeloid leukemia','Males',0.13
    7,'Bladder (including in situ)','Males',0.77
    8,'Bladder (including in situ)','Females',0.76
    9,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Females',0.18
    10,'Bones and joints (20 to 99 years)','Males',0

    These results do not match your previous requirements.  Specifically, they are not sorted in the correct order and they include records for both sexes when you previously stated that you only wanted the record with the highest percentage.


    Thank you Drew for pointing out that, I've posted it as a new question here:

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