Service Packing

  • Hi all

    I was looking through the documentation for service packing SQL 2008 R2. I couldn't see mention of backing up the mssqlsystemresource.mdf database. Does this need to be done before service packing, what are peoples thoughts?

    Many thanks

  • On startup SQL Server reports "the resource database build version" and it seems as important as ever. The main difference in SQL2008 is the location of the resource db, which they have treated even more like a binary executable (it is in Binn), and which cannot be moved.

    After installation and service packing I still stop SQL Server to take copies of the system database and the mssqlsystemresource files, to save for recovery purposes. So taking copies before Service packing would be belt-and-braces, and taking them after service packing/cumulative updating is an absolute must.

  • Why a must after the update, does updating break the log chain?

  • Nothing to do with a log chain: the resource database is specific to the SQL Server Build (and I believe has to keep version in step with the master db), so anything that changes the Build (Service Pack, Cumulative Update) means a change to the resource db - so you have to take a fresh copy in case you need to rebuild the installation. There comes a point where you may as well be reinstalling and reapplying patches, but if you can rescue an installation where files or drives have suffered damage or corruption, it can be quicker and less intensive than starting over.

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