Service Pack Related

  • Hi All,

    Please can anyone tell me

    1)Precautions to be taken /Conditions to be followed before installing service pack

    2)Process of installing Service pack on mssqlserver 2008

    3)Process after installation.

    Thanks in advance,

  • At a minimum...

    0. If your an ITIL shop, make sure Request for Change process is completed.

    1. Server backup - file system, OS, etc

    2. DB backup - all databases including system DB's

    3. I create table reports - row counts, etc

    4. Write a few test scripts - record the output

    4a. Advise customers/stake holders that you are performing an upgrade

    5. Verify Service Pack pre-req's are installed

    6. Install Service Packs

    7. Re-run test scripts to verify data is intact from step 4

    8. Verify table reports from step 3

    9. Contact customer or tester to verify connectivity and applications are connecting to DB.

    10. Chug another Monster or Red Bull...only because it should be about 4am after completing these steps.

    This is just a start, I'm sure there are some steps I haven't written out.

  • After I installed service pack in SQL 2008, the services not starting.....Its down. Please suggest to troubleshoot this situation. I took all the precautions before installation,even though the service was down.

  • look at the server application and system log and see what errors the services are throwing. Also locate the ERRORLOG for sql server and see if there is anything in there.

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