Sending emails from SQL with related content

  • I am trying to send an email which will contain at least one row (and in most cases 3-10 rows) of data. The rows are from #tmp_tableC. The possible universe of email addresses is around 200 unique email addresses.

    I want to send 1 email per email address with multiple rows in the email, not 1 email per row of data. The code below works to gather the data and send the email. However at this point, it is sending 1 email per unique address, but including ALL records, not just the related records per email address. I have tried variations (JOIN, WHERE) to constrain the rows of data but have backed them out of the code to make it a little cleaner than it was.

    I imagine a WHILE loop or a CURSOR would be the way to go, but I have limited experience with those. Would prefer to avoid CURSOR or WHILE loops if possible. Can anyone offer some guidance to help with this?

    NOTE: The email process will be run once weekly at the end of the business day. The server which will be running this is not overused and can take some performance hits without affecting other users. I don't anticipate this scaling beyond more than around 300 unique emails in the next 3-5 years.




    CREATE TABLE #tmp_tableC


    fullname nvarchar(30),emailaddress1 nvarchar(max),acctname nvarchar(50), oppname nvarchar(150), rrname nvarchar(30), cusip nvarchar(9), newrate nvarchar(50), effdate datetime


    Insert Into #tmp_tableC

    [Some Select Query to gather data for the columns above]

    CREATE TABLE #tmp_tableZ


    cusipkey nvarchar(max)


    Insert Into #tmp_tableZ

    [Some Select Query that is a unique listing of email addresses]

    --process emails

    SET @email = ''

    SELECT @email = @email + cusipkey + N';' FROM #tmp_tableZ group by cusipkey

    SET @xml = Cast((SELECT oppname AS 'td','',cusip as 'td','', rrname as 'td','',newrate as 'td','',effdate as 'td'

    FROM #tmp_tableC GROUP BY acctname,oppname,cusip,rrname,newrate,effdate FOR XML PATH('tr'), ELEMENTS) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

    SET @body ='<html><H2>Rate Reset Update</H2><body><table style="font-family: arial; font-size:10pt; border = 0"><tr bgcolor=gray><th>Opportunity Name</th><th>CUSIP</th><th>Issue</th><th>New Rate</th><th>Eff Date</th></tr>'

    SET @body = @body + @xml +'</table></body></html>'

    print @email

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @email,

    @body = @body,

    @body_format ='HTML',

    @subject ='Notification',

    @profile_name ='Email Server'

    Drop Table #tmp_tableC

    Drop Table #tmp_tableZ

  • It's obvious you must execute sp_send_dbmail once for every receipient, right ?

    So you're bound to a while loop or cursor anyway.

    I hope this one puts you back on track ....

    Here's a cursor version:

    declare csrEmails cursor for

    SELECT cusipkey, '<html><H2>Rate Reset Update</H2><body><table style="font-family: arial; font-size:10pt; border = 0"><tr bgcolor="#AAAAAA"><th>Opportunity Name</th><th>CUSIP</th><th>Issue</th><th>New Rate</th><th>Eff Date</th></tr>'

    + Cast((

    SELECT oppname AS 'td'

    , ''

    , C.cusip as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.rrname as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.newrate as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.effdate as 'td'

    FROM #tmp_tableC C

    inner join #tmp_tableZ Z

    on Z.cusipkey = C.cusipkey

    GROUP BY acctname

    , oppname

    , cusip

    , rrname

    , newrate

    , effdate


    XML PATH('tr')


    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + '</table></body></html>'

    open csrEmails

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrEmails

    INTO @email, @body



    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @email

    , @body = @body

    , @body_format = 'HTML'

    , @subject = 'Notification'

    , @profile_name = 'Email Server'

    -- read next

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrEmails

    INTO @email, @body


    -- Cleanup cursors !!

    CLOSE csrEmails

    DEALLOCATE csrEmails

    Drop Table #tmp_tableC

    Drop Table #tmp_tableZ

    Btw: in my test it returns "bgcolor=gray" is unknown, so I altered the to bgcolor="#AAAAAA"


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  • Thanks for the quick reply. It seems to be still including all records. To help illustrate the situation, here are the tables that 1) the queries create, and 2) the email that was generated from your version with Cursor.

    My expected result is that the Hotmail account should get 4 rows and the Gmail account should get 3 rows.

    TempTableC,test issue 3,test opp,12345TEST,0.66,2009-08-31,test issue 2,test opp,67890TEST,0.162009-08-31,test issue 1,test opp,54321TEST,0.44,2009-08-31,test issue 4,Test Health Center,T35T4U789,0.07,2010-02-24,test issue 3,test opp,12345TEST,0.66,2009-08-31,test issue 2,test opp,67890TEST,0.16,2009-08-31,test issue 1,test opp,54321TEST,0.44,2009-08-31


    Email table (same results at both addresses)

    Opportunity,Name,CUSIP,Issue,NewRate,Eff Date

    test opp,12345TEST,test issue 3,0.66,2009-08-31

    test opp,54321TEST,test issue 1,0.44,2009-08-31

    test opp,67890TEST,test issue 2,0.16,2009-08-31

    Test Health Center,T35T4U789,test issue 4,0.070,2010-02-24,

  • You should have come to something like this ...




    CREATE TABLE #tmp_tableC

    ( fullname nvarchar(30)

    , emailaddress1 nvarchar(max)

    , acctname nvarchar(50)

    , oppname nvarchar(150)

    , rrname nvarchar(30)

    , cusip nvarchar(9)

    , newrate nvarchar(50)

    , effdate datetime

    ) ;

    set nocount on

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 3','test opp','12345TEST',1,'0.66','2009-08-31')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 2','test opp','67890TEST',1,'0.16','2009-08-31' )

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 1','test opp','54321TEST',1,'0.44','2009-08-31')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 4','Test Health Center','T35T4U789',2,'0.07','2010-02-24')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 3','test opp','12345TEST',2,'0.66','2009-08-31')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 2','test opp','67890TEST',2,'0.16','2009-08-31')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableC values ('fullname','','test issue 1','test opp','54321TEST',2,'0.44','2009-08-31')

    --[Some Select Query to gather data for the columns above]

    CREATE TABLE #tmp_tableZ (cusipkey int , cusipemail nvarchar(max) ) ;

    Insert Into #tmp_tableZ values (1,'')

    Insert Into #tmp_tableZ values (2,'')

    declare csrEmails cursor for

    SELECT Z.cusipemail, '<html><H2>Rate Reset Update</H2><body><table style="font-family: arial; font-size:10pt; border = 0"><tr bgcolor="#AAAAAA"><th>Opportunity Name</th><th>CUSIP</th><th>Issue</th><th>New Rate</th><th>Eff Date</th></tr>'

    + Cast((

    SELECT C.oppname AS 'td'

    , ''

    , C.cusip as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.rrname as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.newrate as 'td'

    , ''

    , C.effdate as 'td'

    FROM #tmp_tableC C

    where C.cusip = Z.cusipkey

    GROUP BY C.acctname

    , C.oppname

    , C.cusip

    , C.rrname

    , C.newrate

    , C.effdate


    XML PATH('tr')


    ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + '</table></body></html>' as Body

    FROM #tmp_tableZ Z

    open csrEmails

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrEmails

    INTO @email, @body



    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @recipients = @email

    , @body = @body

    , @body_format = 'HTML'

    , @subject = 'Notification'

    , @profile_name = 'Email Server'

    -- read next

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrEmails

    INTO @email, @body


    -- Cleanup cursors !!

    CLOSE csrEmails

    DEALLOCATE csrEmails

    Drop Table #tmp_tableC

    Drop Table #tmp_tableZ


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  • After wiring up the select queries, it worked perfectly. Thanks for the help!

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