Selecting Conditional Totals

  • I have what is probably a simple select statement for anyone who has experience writing sql. Given the following fictious table




    The Status field has two values: Sold and Available.

    I need to write a Select statement that will return Customer, QtySold, QtyAvailble for a given customer.

    My first thought was to loop through all the records for one customer and do something like the following psuedo code.

    If Status = "Sold"

    QtySold = QtySold + Qty


    QtyAvailable = QtyAvailable + Qty

    I know that there must be a better way to do this. Can anyone offer me any direction?


  • This will get you closer. It may not be the exact format you are looking for, but give it a try for starters.




    SUM(Qty) AS Quantity

    FROM FictitousTable

    GROUP BY Customer, Status

    Good luck,


  • This sounds like a fairly easy thing to do using a case operator. If you want some tested and working code you need to post some ddl, sample data and desired output based on the sample data. Please read the article in my signature for best practices on posting questions.


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  • I'll take a guess..

    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Status = 'Sold' THEN QtySold + Qty ELSE 0 END) As Sold,

    SUM(CASE WHEN Status = 'Available' THEN QtyAvailable + Qty ELSE 0 END) As Available

    , rest of columns

    FROM dbo.Table

    GROUP BY rest of columns

  • Thank you for the suggestions. I got called out of the office for the next day or so. I will try the suggestions when I get back to the office. I really appreciate the help.

  • Ninja's solution will work , better to use case rather then looping through it. 😎

  • I am still not in the office so I can't try out Ninja's solution. I do however have one question. I don't have a great deal of experience when it comes to sql. I have a question about the use of the case statement. Why does the case statement need the "Qty ELSE 0" when computing QtySold and QtyAvailable?


  • It doesn't, but I use it for clarity.

    The default value is NULL when the else is not used.

    It would yield the same results either way.

    Now here's what the code does :

    if check for something = true then use this value else 0 END

    This code runs for all the rows that satisfy the joins and where clause.

    now the difference here is that I wrap the "if" with SUM(if...).

    That's basically the old way to pivot rows into columns. Now there are new operators for that but I still use the same old way.

  • Thanks for the help. I can't wait to try it when I get to the office.

  • Ninja, thanks for the help. Worked like a charm.

  • Glad it worked.

    have a great day.

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