Select from Varchar(5000) Problem

  • Hello,

    I have a column defined as a Varchar(5000) containing rows with 1354 characters.

    When my collegue selects from the table he gets the entire output.

    When I run the same select all of my outputs are limited to 1000 characters.

    I've also experimented with creating other >1000 character outputs and they are also limited to 1000.

    I've searched Help and Googled but can't work out what is limiting my outputs.

    Any suggestions?


  • Is this only in Management Studio or in your application? I thought there was a max char returned setting in SSMS.

  • Hello!

    Both queries are in the Management Studio

  • Look in Tools -> Options

    You can configure a limit to the number of characters returned in Management Studio.

  • Check your settings in

    Tools/Options->Query Results/Sql Server

    Maybe you have 1000 set there?



    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • Tools->Options->Query Results->SQL Server->Results To Grid

    Look for Maximum Characters Retrieved -> Non XML data

    Change the value as you see fit.

    Or if you're spitting the results to Text

    Tools->Options->Query Results->SQL Server->Results To Text

    Look for Maximum Number of characters displayed in each column



  • Hello again,

    Your response inspired me with some new search strings to try in Google.

    It is because I was sending my results to Text - so they got chopped at 1000 characters.

    My collegue was outputting results to Grid - and gets all 1354!!

    Mystery solved!

    I shall stop obscessing and move on with my life now!

    Thank you,



  • Sorry Guys,

    I didn't spot your replies before I responded!

    I've checked and changed my Query Output Options and all is right with the world again.

    Thank you all VERY much,


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