security context for dbcc

  • The procedure below is owned by db_owner and database users have permission to execute this procedure.  I was hoping that dbcc ... would run in ther security context of db_owner, but it does not.  Is there a way to make it work.  If database users delete many rows, a trigger would execute the procedure to  re-seed the Identity PK:

    create procedure QSP_RESEED @seqtab varchar(50),@tartab varchar(50),@gid varchar(50)


    declare @seedval int

    declare @currid int

    declare @offset int

    declare @stmt nvarchar(500)

    -- declare @usr varchar (50)

    -- select @usr=user

    -- exec sp_addrolemember 'db_ddladmin',@usr

    set @stmt='select @offset=IDENTITYOFFSET from IDENTITYRANGE where TABLENAME='''+@tartab+''''

    exec sp_executesql @stmt,N'@offset int output',@offset=@offset output

    begin tran

        set @stmt='select @currid=max('+@gid+') from '+@tartab+' with (TABLOCK,HOLDLOCK)'

        exec sp_executesql @stmt,N'@currid int output',@currid=@currid output

        set @seedval=@currid-@offset

        dbcc checkident(@seqtab,RESEED,@seedval)

    commit tran

    -- exec sp_droprolemember 'db_ddladmin',@usr




  • May be it would be better to run scheduled SQL Agent job with this procedure. And it is also better to run this job on nights as soon as you use TABLOCK.

  • The tablock lasts for < 1 sec on a 60 million row table, so not a problem for a warehouse database.  If you leave the re-seed job to a mignight agent you potentially will freeze  large gaps into the available Identity range.



  • Did you happen to find the solution to this problem? I am trying to run this code as the DBO and I get permission denied errors on the DBCC. If I run the code under the SA account, it works. The manual says that CHECKIDENT can be run by the DBO, but it is not working.
    CREATE TABLE dbo.#insert (fldRecNum INT IDENTITY(0,1) PRIMARY KEY)
    DBCC CHECKIDENT ('#insert', RESEED, @RecNum)
  • A temporary table gets created in TempDB. Therefore, the CHECKIDENT would have to run against a table there. Is the login in question a dbo over TempDB?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • M Chabot

    No, I have not found the solution I was looking for.  Instead, I start the Identity with -2147483648.  I still can move to bigint if needed.


  • Thank you. That makes sense to me. No, that user was not a dbo of TempDB.

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