Searching DTS Packages for a text string

  • I wrote a DTS pkg a few years ago to search DTS pkgs for an obsolete server name (when we migrated the pkgs from SQL 2000 to new SQL 2000 servers and then again in the migration to SQL 2008). This pkg should only have one script task and a few pkg global variables. It will search connections and pkg log locations for the old server name that you provide.

    I don't think it will search/find usage of the old server name in "execute package" tasks however, so keep that in mind. Also, if you protect your pkgs with passwords you'll need to add code for that. We don't use passwords on the DTS pkgs here.

    Here is how to create this pkg:

    (1) Create a new empty DTS pkg.

    (2) Create the following string pkg global variables:

    DTSPkgSourceServer - Set this to the server or server\instance which contains the DTS pkgs to search.

    DTSPkgNamePattern - Set it to % to search all pkgs. Otherwise set it to a pattern like MyPkgs% to select certain pkgs to search.

    ShowProgress - Set it to Y (to get alert box for progress) or N (to get no progress alert). The alert prompts don't seem to work for this any way.

    SearchString - Set it to the server name to check (e.g, MyOldServer).

    ReportFileSpec - Set it to the name of a file that you want to write the results to (e.g., c:\temp\SearchForMyOldServer.txt).

    (3) Create an active X script task using the following code:


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Option Explicit

    Function Main()

    ' Initialize variables.

    Dim cn

    Dim ActiveConnection

    Dim ConnectionLoop

    Dim TaskLoop

    Dim PkgRec

    Dim provStr

    Dim SelectStr

    Dim DTSPkgSourceServer

    Dim objPkg

    Dim objExecPkgTask

    Dim objActiveScriptTask

    Dim objCreateProcessTask

    Dim objDDQTask

    Dim objDataPumpTask

    Dim objExecSQLTask

    Dim objSendMailTask

    Dim TaskName

    Dim PkgName

    Dim DTSPkgNamePattern

    Dim PkgGUID

    Dim PkgVersionID

    Dim Q

    Dim ShowProgress

    Dim SearchString

    Dim LogServerName

    Dim ReportFile

    Dim ReportFileSpec

    Dim objFSO

    Q = "'"


    DTSPkgNamePattern = DtsGlobalVariables.Item("DTSPkgNamePattern").Value & "%"

    ShowProgress = DtsGlobalVariables.Item("ShowProgress").Value

    SearchString = DtsGlobalVariables.Item("SearchString").Value

    ReportFileSpec = DtsGlobalVariables.Item("ReportFileSpec").Value

    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    If (objFSO is Nothing) Then

    'FileSystemobject had problems opening.

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

    Exit function

    End If

    Set ReportFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile (ReportFileSpec,True)

    ReportFile.WriteLine("Report: DTS Pkgs Containing String " & "<" & SearchString & ">")

    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    ' Specify the OLE DB provider.

    cn.Provider = "sqloledb"

    ' Specify connection string on Open method.

    provStr = "Server=" & DTSPkgSourceServer & ";Database=MSDB;Trusted_Connection=yes"

    cn.Open provStr

    set PkgRec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    With PkgRec

    Set .ActiveConnection = cn

    '.Open "select DISTINCT name,id FROM sysdtspackages where name LIKE " & "'" & DTSPkgNamePattern & "'"

    .Open _

    "select T1.* from " & _

    " dbo.sysdtspackages AS T1 " & _

    " INNER JOIN " & _

    " (SELECT name, id, MAX(createdate) AS createdate " & _

    " from dbo.sysdtspackages " & _

    " WHERE name LIKE " & Q & _

    DTSPkgNamePattern & Q & _

    " AND name NOT LIKE " & Q & "%<%" & Q & _

    " AND name NOT LIKE " & Q & "%Staging_Truncate_And_Populate_FILE_CIIS_NATS_STAGING%" & Q & _

    " GROUP BY name, id ) AS T2 " & _

    " ON and T1.createdate=T2.createdate " & _

    " ORDER BY"

    Set ActiveConnection = Nothing

    End With

    While (Not PkgRec.EOF)

    PkgName = PkgRec.Fields("name").Value

    PkgGUID = PkgRec.Fields("id").Value

    PkgVersionID = PkgRec.Fields("Versionid").Value

    Set objPkg = CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    'objPkg.LoadFromSQLServer "","","","256",,PkgGUID,PkgVersionID, PkgName

    objPkg.LoadFromSQLServer DTSPkgSourceServer,"","","256",,"","", PkgName,-1

    LogServerName = objPkg.LogServerName

    ReportFile.WriteLine(" ")

    If INSTR(1,LogServerName,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in Pkg log server name " _

    & "<" & LogServerName & ">." )

    End If

    For Each ConnectionLoop in objPkg.Connections

    If UCASE(ConnectionLoop.ProviderId)="SQLOLEDB" _

    AND INSTR(1,ConnectionLoop.DataSource,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in Connection <" & ConnectionLoop.Name & ">" _

    & " with value " & ConnectionLoop.DataSource & ".")

    End If


    For Each TaskLoop in objPkg.Tasks

    If INSTR(1,TaskLoop.Name,"ExecutePackageTask",vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then


    'DTS Exec pkg task found.


    Set objExecPkgTask = objPkg.Tasks(TaskLoop.Name).CustomTask

    If INSTR(1,objExecPkgTask.ServerName,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in ServerName " _

    & "<" & objExecPkgTask.ServerName & ">" _

    & " in task <" & TaskLoop.Name & ">." )

    End If

    End If

    If INSTR(1,TaskLoop.Name,"ActiveScriptTask",vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then


    'DTS Active Script task found.


    Set objActiveScriptTask = objPkg.Tasks(TaskLoop.Name).CustomTask

    If INSTR(1,objActiveScriptTask.ActiveXScript,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in ActiveXScript " _

    & " in task <" & TaskLoop.Name & ">." )

    End If

    End If

    If INSTR(1,TaskLoop.Name,"CreateProcessTask",vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then


    'DTS Create Process task found.


    Set objCreateProcessTask = objPkg.Tasks(TaskLoop.Name).CustomTask

    If INSTR(1,objCreateProcessTask.ProcessCommandLine,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in ProcessCommandLine " _

    & "<" & objCreateProcessTask.ProcessCommandLine & "> " _

    & " in task <" & TaskLoop.Name & ">." )

    End If

    End If

    If INSTR(1,TaskLoop.Name,"DataPumpTask",vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then


    'DTS Data Pump task found.


    Set objDataPumpTask = objPkg.Tasks(TaskLoop.Name).CustomTask

    If INSTR(1,objDataPumpTask.DestinationObjectName,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in DestinationObjectName " _

    & "<" & objDataPumpTask.DestinationObjectName & "> " _

    & " in task <" & TaskLoop.Name & ">." )

    End If

    End If

    If INSTR(1,TaskLoop.Name,"SendMailTask",vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then


    'DTS Data Pump task found.


    Set objSendMailTask = objPkg.Tasks(TaskLoop.Name).CustomTask

    If INSTR(1,objSendMailTask.FileAttachments,SearchString,vbTextCompare) >= 1 Then

    ReportFile.WriteLine( _

    "Pkg " & PkgName & ": " _

    & "String <" & SearchString & "> found in FileAttachments " _

    & "<" & objSendMailTask.FileAttachments & "> " _

    & " in task <" & TaskLoop.Name & ">." )

    End If

    End If



    Set ObjPkg = Nothing




    Set PkgRec = Nothing

    Set ObjPkg = Nothing


    Set cn = Nothing


    Set objFSO = Nothing

    Set ReportFile = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    (3) Save the pkg with a name like SearchMyDTSPkgs and then execute it. The search parameters are all in the global variables.

    Enjoy! I hope it works for you. I tested it to check that it still works in SQL 2008. It should still work in SQL 2000 but I could not test that since I don't have that server any more.


  • Hi Mike,

    I would like to use your utility,it would be great if you could send it on

    Thanks in advance for inventing such a utility

    waiting for your reply.



  • is there any similar script\tool to get text version for SSIS packages?

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