Searching a column for a word

  • Good afternoon all,

    how can I search a column for a specific word without using the Contains keyword (the dba won't turn on full-text-indexing).


    create table #test(col varchar(50))

    insert into #test (col)

    select 'a strategic move' union select 'random test' union select 'rate is 5' union select 'these are the rates'

    drop table #test

    Should only return 'rate is 5'. So I essentially want to use the "contains" function without using it.


    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • There are 3 ways with which u can do that

    This may use indexes, if present.

    Select * from #test where col LIKE '%rate is 5%'

    THis wont use indexes

    Select * from #test where charindex('rate is 5',col) > 0

    And the last one is using PATINDEX, which i leave to u to figure out 🙂

  • Thanks for the quick reply CC, but I don't want to search for the phrase 'rate is 5', I only want results that have the word 'rate'.

    Let me add this to the example:

    create table #test(col varchar(50))

    insert into #test (col)

    select 'a strategic move' union select 'random test' union select 'rate is 5' union select 'these are the rates' union select '0 is the rate'

    select * from #test where charindex('rate', col) > 0

    drop table #test

    I need to change the select to return 'rate is 5' and '0 is the rate'

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • How about this:

    select * from #test where right(SUBSTRING((col+' '),(CHARINDEX('rate',col)),5),1) = ' '

  • I must admit I am impressed with the cleverness of your solution...but I have another failed test clause. Insert the word 'substrate' to the #test and your query will select it. So close, but I see why this simple request is so difficult.

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • WHERE CHARINDEX(' rate ', ' '+col+' ') > 0


    WHERE ' '+col+' ' LIKE '% rate %'

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • David Burrows (3/17/2011)

    WHERE CHARINDEX(' rate ', ' '+col+' ') > 0


    WHERE ' '+col+' ' LIKE '% rate %'

    Perfect, David. Works great, but why does it work? Does SS just ignore the spaces when comparing '% rate %' to 'rate'?

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • toddasd (3/17/2011)

    Does SS just ignore the spaces when comparing '% rate %' to 'rate'?

    No the spaces are important. You wanted to find particular words ie rate and words are separated by spaces. So by searching for <space>rate<space> we are looking for the exact word rate and not words like irate and rates. The addtional spaces put at the beginning and end of the searched text is there to make sure the word is found if at the beginning or end without leading/trailing space(s).

    Also the % is a wildcard symbols when used in LIKE or PATINDEX and means any text, so LIKE is looking for

    <anything><space>rate<space><anything>, eg in the text 'the rate is 5' it would ignore 'the' and 'is 5'.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Ok, now I see where my question was silly. It's not comparing '% rate %' to 'rate' because you added the spaces before and after and then did the wildcard compare. I need to stop asking questions before coffee.

    But now the problem is...

    ... and words are separated by spaces.

    Not necessarily true because of punctuation. So new test data 'The rate: $6500' now fails. My intent from the beginning was to check the characters before and after 'rate' to see if they are also letters, but I didn't know how to write that. Now I can combine ColdCoffee's work and your work, David, to get this:

    create table #ASCII_Letter_Values (Value int)

    declare @i int

    set @i = 65

    while @i < 91


    insert into #ASCII_Letter_Values Values (@i), (@i+32) --lower case and capitals

    set @i = @i + 1


    create table #test(col varchar(50))

    --test data

    insert into #test (col)

    select 'a strategic move' union select 'random test' union select 'rate is 5' union select 'these are the rates' union select '0 is the rate' union select 'substrate'

    union select 'Rate Sheet' union select 'Rates 2002' union select 'The rate: $6500'

    --only want to return where the word 'rate' is in the description

    --output should only be 'rate is 5','0 is the rate','Rate Sheet', and 'The rate: $6500'

    select col from #test where

    isnull(ascii(substring(col,charindex('rate', col) + 4,1)),0) not in (select Value from #ASCII_Letter_Values)


    isnull(ascii(substring(col,charindex('rate', col) - 1,1)),0) not in (select Value from #ASCII_Letter_Values)

    --clean up

    drop table #ASCII_Letter_Values

    drop table #test

    Which is kind of convoluted, but works so far. Does anyone see any problems or improvements?

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • Try this

    LIKE '%rate[!"'',.:;? ]%'

    You can add additional chars between [] but check LIKE and PATINDEX on BOL (Books Online) for special chars and how to ESCAPE them.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Yep, that may be a little shorter than my version 😉

    select * from #test where ' '+col+' ' like '%[!",.'':;? ]rate[!",.'':;? ]%'

    Thanks David.

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • David Burrows (3/17/2011)

    Try this

    LIKE '%rate[!"'',.:;? ]%'

    You can add additional chars between [] but check LIKE and PATINDEX on BOL (Books Online) for special chars and how to ESCAPE them.

    You are probably better off using the ^ operator instead of listing all potential non-alphabetic characters. The ^ operator gives you all characters not specified by the expression in the brackets.

    LIKE '%[^A-Za-z]rate[^A-Za-z]%'

    If your collation is Case Insensitive, you don't need both ranges.

    LIKE '%[^A-Z]rate[^A-Z]%'


    Edited to add in % wildcards.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Yep, this is my new favorite. Thanks Drew.

    If this improvement keeps up every post, pretty soon this will be a built-in SS function! Oh wait...:-)

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

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