Search Results Lists - Limited to Next 20?

  • On, the search functionality lacks the ability to navigate easily.

    The order of results seems to be relevance (for word searches) or date (for author searches), but the dates don't always come in the publication order. (Perhaps it is an internal date?)

    If I need results that are 100 or 200 posts down, I have to click through the list 20 at a time. I can always hack the URL (which works) but surely allowing people to go to the last post would be a good idea?

    I can imagine the following options:

    * First | Previous X | Next X | Last with an option to set X

    * First | Previous X | Next X, 2X, 3X, 4X, ... | Last with an option to set X

  • I'd have to check and see how this would work. I know we're grabbing some stuff from Google and cleaning it, but I'd think we could do a "last"

    I'm not sure how many people go to the last results, however. Wouldn't you click through until you found something? Or changed your search to make it more specific?

  • I was trying to find an article by name and date - and the articles were roughly in date order. Unfortunately, searching by date didn't work.

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