Search IP Ranges and exclude

  • I need to remove some IP addresses from a total list of IP addresses. The ones I need to remove are in certain IP ranges. I could create a temp table with all these IP addresses I need to exclude, but I was wondering if there was a better way to do this?

    Example IP Ranges: to to to

  • IPV4 addresses are represented as strings in the dotted format, but they're integers (bigints precisely).

    You can easily convert to bigint using the function provided by Denis Gobo here:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.IPAddressToInteger (@IP AS varchar(15))

    RETURNS bigint




    CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP,2)) * 256 +

    CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP,3)) * 65536 +

    CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@IP,4)) * 16777216)


    Using the conversion function will likely be slow (any predicate will not be SARGable) but will let you use the ranges, which you won't be able to use with the string representation.

    Another option could be to precalculate the bigint version of the address in a computed column and index it.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I'm not sure what you mean by "removing" addresses from a "list". However, the following example assumes your need is to delete rows from a table where IPAddress is contained within three different IPAddress ranges.

    delete from Machines

    where (IPAddress between '' and '')

    or (IPAddress between '' and '')

    or (IPAddress between '' and '');

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Thanks this works

  • Be careful: won't work for addresses represented with leading zeros, such as

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Here is some code that I hope will help you:

    IF OBJECT_ID('IPAddressToInteger') IS NOT NULL

    DROP FUNCTION IPAddressToInteger;


    -- Deterministic version of Denis Gobo's function

    -- Parsename is not deterministic

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].IPAddressToInteger( @IPV4Address VarChar(15))


    WITH SCHEMABINDING -- Deterministic function.


    DECLARE @Dot1 AS int = CHARINDEX( '.', @IPV4Address );

    DECLARE @Dot2 AS int = CHARINDEX( '.', @IPV4Address, @Dot1 + 1 );

    DECLARE @Dot3 AS int = CHARINDEX( '.', @IPV4Address, @Dot2 + 1 );

    RETURN CAST( SUBSTRING( @IPV4Address, 0, @Dot1 ) AS bigint ) * 0x1000000 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( @IPV4Address, @Dot1 + 1, @Dot2 - @Dot1 - 1 ) AS bigint ) * 0x10000 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( @IPV4Address, @Dot2 + 1, @Dot3 - @Dot2 - 1 ) AS bigint ) * 0x100 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( @IPV4Address, @Dot3 + 1, LEN( @IPV4Address ) * 1 ) AS bigint );



    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#addresses') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #addresses;


    -- Sample table

    CREATE TABLE #addresses (

    IP_as_char varchar(15) PRIMARY KEY,

    IP_as_bigint AS

    -- Horribly verbose version of the above conversion function

    -- Write once, forget forever

    CAST( SUBSTRING( IP_as_char, 0, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) ) AS bigint ) * 0x1000000 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1 ) - CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) - 1 ) AS bigint ) * 0x10000 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1 ) + 1, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1 ) + 1 ) - CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1 ) - 1 ) AS bigint ) * 0x100 +

    CAST( SUBSTRING( IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char, CHARINDEX( '.', IP_as_char ) + 1 ) + 1 ) + 1, LEN( IP_as_char ) * 1 ) AS bigint )


    CREATE INDEX IX_addresses_bigint ON #addresses(IP_as_bigint);


    -- Insert some addresses without leading zeros

    INSERT INTO #addresses (IP_as_char)



    -- Insert some addresses with leading zeros

    INSERT INTO #addresses (IP_as_char)



    -- Interprets addresses correctly

    SELECT *

    FROM #addresses a

    WHERE IP_as_bigint NOT BETWEEN dbo.IPAddressToInteger('') AND dbo.IPAddressToInteger('');

    -- Uh-oh! Wrong results...

    SELECT *

    FROM #addresses a

    WHERE IP_as_char NOT BETWEEN '' AND ''

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • 🙁

    Thanks Gianluca

    So when the command prompt returns - it is really ??

  • It's a number, so they're the same thing. Depending on where the IP addresses come from, they can be in any form.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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