Scripting User Roles

  • Is anyone aware of how to script roles and their associated users? What I would like is to have a script generated for EXEC sp_addrolemembers 'role','user'. I can generate it through ISQL, but would like to add it to our DMO scripting job. Is there a method or property that I am missing?

    Thanks in advance.

    Be great!


    Be great!

  • I dont see a way to do it directly - strange, probably there somewhere and Im just not seeing it! You can do it the hard way, something like the code below. If you're doing DMO, Lumigent is giving away a free DMO poster you might like (Im biased of course!).

    Dim oserver As SQLDMO.SQLServer

    Dim odb As SQLDMO.Database

    Dim oRole As SQLDMO.DatabaseRole

    Dim oResult As SQLDMO.QueryResults

    Dim J As Integer

    Dim K As Integer

    'create standard server object first

    Set oserver = New SQLDMO.SQLServer

    With oserver

    .LoginSecure = True

    .Connect "eg\one"

    End With

    'use Northwind

    Set odb = oserver.Databases("NORTHWIND")

    'loop through roles and process any that has a member

    For Each oRole In odb.DatabaseRoles

    Set oResult = oRole.EnumDatabaseRoleMember

    For J = 1 To oResult.Rows

    For K = 1 To oResult.Columns

    Debug.Print "sp_addrolemember '"; oRole.Name & "','" & oResult.GetColumnString(J, K) & "'"



    Set oResult = Nothing


    Set odb = Nothing


    Set oserver = Nothing


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