scripting Analysis Services 2000 objects

  • Is it possible to generate a script for Analysis Services 2000 objects that are created from the GUI? Obviously they all boil down to a bunch of MDX code but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent functionality to Enterprise Manager's "Generate Script".

    Does anyone have any suggestions for migrating SSAS objects/changes from Dev to Prod?

    "I met Larry Niven at ConClave 27...AND I fixed his computer. How cool is that?"
    (Memoirs of a geek)

  • The DSO/XML tool was written to do this (it was almost like a precursor to what they were doing in Yukon at the time).  You should be able to jump to it from here.  Personally, I ran in to some issues but was probably trying to make it do things that it wasn't intended to do



  • On the migration, i think the Ops (Operations) Guide had some suggestions for this too.  You can findit on the same page i linked to in the previous post.



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