Script to send an email based on contents of a job step's output file

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Script to send an email based on contents of a job step's output file

  • Excellent. I am adding this to my library. We had many problems with SQL Server based email because of the overhead, admittedly very small for one email. The problem is that our advertising email was also SQL based and what we needed to do was use a defined email server. So, using MSDN I created this script for SQL 2000 and updated later for later for 2005.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usr_sp_send_cdosysmail

    @From_Addr VARCHAR(500) ,

    @To_Addr VARCHAR(500) ,

    @Subject VARCHAR(500) ,

    @Body VARCHAR(8000) ,

    @SMTPserver VARCHAR(25) = 'localhost',

    @BodyType VARCHAR(10) = 'textbody'


    DECLARE @imsg INT


    DECLARE @source VARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @description VARCHAR(500)

    EXEC @hr = sp_oacreate 'cdo.message', @imsg out

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'configuration.fields("").value','2'

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'configuration.fields("").value', @SMTPserver

    EXEC @hr = sp_oamethod @imsg, 'configuration.fields.UPDATE', NULL

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'to', @To_Addr

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'from', @From_Addr

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'subject', @Subject

    -- If you are using html e-mail, use 'htmlbody' instead of 'textbody'.

    EXEC @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, @BodyType, @Body

    EXEC @hr = sp_oamethod @imsg, 'send', NULL

    EXEC @hr = sp_oadestroy @imsg

  • Thanks for the script.

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