Script to report backup status... success or failed

  • Hi all,

    I am looking for a small script that would simply display the status of all database backups




    status ( sucess or failed )


    *** the important info is an actual column mentioning 'SUCCESS or FAILED '

    Thx for the help !

  • Hi johnnyrmtl,

    The backups related detailed information of completed backups is available in msdb.

    However, Error/success can be obtained from sql server logs. Please try the following script.



    Using sys.xp_readerrorlog. Please check MSDN for necessary permissions.

    Remember all following conditions will be evaluated as AND operator.



    CREATE TABLE #Temp_read_backup_log


    LogDate datetime,

    ProcessInfo varchar(255),

    LogText varchar(max)


    INSERT INTO #Temp_read_backup_log

    EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog

    0,-- LogFile to read. Current=0, Archive1=1, Archive2=2

    1,-- SQL Server (default) = 1, Agent = 2

    'backup',-- Text1 to search

    null,-- AND Text2 to search

    '2012-May-16',-- Date Range Start

    '2012-May-18',-- Date Range Ends

    'ASC'-- Sort Order

    INSERT INTO #Temp_read_backup_log

    EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog

    0,-- LogFile to read. Current=0, Archive1=1, Archive2=2

    1,-- SQL Server (default) = 1, Agent = 2

    'backup',-- Text1 to search

    'error',-- AND Text2 to search

    '2012-May-16',-- Date Range Start

    '2012-May-18',-- Date Range Ends

    'ASC'-- Sort Order


    Following statements can be used to further narrow down the information.

    Please change query parameter/variables according to your need.


    DECLARE @v_db_name varchar(255), @v_search_text1 varchar(255), @v_search_text2 varchar(255)

    SET @v_db_name= '<Your DB Name>'

    SET @v_search_text1 = 'Database backed up' -- OR 'Error'

    SET @v_search_text2 = NULL

    SELECT *

    FROM #Temp_read_backup_log


    LogText Like '%' + ISNULL(@v_db_name, LogText) + '%' AND

    LogText Like '%' + ISNULL(@v_search_text1, LogText) + '%' AND

    LogText Like '%' + ISNULL(@v_search_text2, LogText) + '%'

    ORDER BY LogDate

    DROP TABLE #Temp_read_backup_log


  • Hi johnnyrmtl,

    You could use following script to get the details of your completed backups.

    USE msdb



    Following statements can be used to further narrow down the information.

    Please change query parameter/variables according to your need.


    DECLARE @v_backup_start_datetime datetime, @v_backup_end_datetime datetime

    DECLARE @v_database_name varchar(255), @v_backup_file_type char(1), @v_filesize_threshold_MB int

    /* Default datetime is Yesterday */

    SET @v_backup_start_datetime = convert(varchar(11), getdate()-1, 113) + ' 00:00:00'

    SET @v_backup_end_datetime = convert(varchar(11), getdate()-1, 113) + ' 23:59:59'

    /*Default DateTime is Last 24 Hours */

    --SET @v_backup_start_datetime = getdate() -1

    --SET @v_backup_end_datetime = getdate()

    SET @v_database_name = '<Your DB Name>' -- OR NULL

    SET @v_backup_file_type = 'D'-- 'D=data OR L=Log' OR NULL

    SET @v_filesize_threshold_MB = 100

    /* Check and Confirm parameter value */














    bs.backup_size/1048576 size_MB,











    from msdb.dbo.backupset bs INNER JOIN

    msdb.dbo.backupfile bf ONbs.backup_set_id = bf.backup_set_id ANDbs.type = bf.file_type



    database_name LIKE '%' + @v_database_name + '%'


    @v_database_name IS NULL




    bs.type = @v_backup_file_type


    @v_backup_file_type IS NULL




    bs.backup_start_date between ISNULL(@v_backup_start_datetime, '1900-Jan-01') AND ISNULL(@v_backup_end_datetime, '2999-Dec-31')



    bs.backup_size/1048576 > ISNULL(@v_filesize_threshold_MB, 10)

    order by

    bs.backup_size desc


  • Thank you for the script ...

    Although I'm not getting any output ?

    I just want to return the results of all databases on the server.

  • Please read the scripts and change the parameters where necessary.

    Sometimes your required information might be in archived files. so change the xp_readlog paramter values to 1,2,3

    I believe it should work. just ready and play with this script a bit.


  • OK I got the script to work by changing and commenting ! Thank you

    Pardon my ignorance...

    I still cannot get a column with a 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILED' to show up 🙂

  • Please put a case statement on logtext column,

    CASE WHEN LogText Like '%error%' then 'Failed'

    ELSE 'Success' -- "Database backed up."



  • The second script does work well with the required info ...but and like I said I would need that column with a status message 🙁

    I can't seem to produce the requried results from first script though in executing the xp_readerrorlog

    I need to implement a job which would send me this info on a daily basis

  • Note that when you write this, store the data, but don't report "success" to yourself on a regular basis. It's easy to start ignoring the failures if they occur rarely, and it wastes your time to check them.

    I'd split out a separate report that you look at daily that only has failures.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (5/23/2012)

    Note that when you write this, store the data, but don't report "success" to yourself on a regular basis. It's easy to start ignoring the failures if they occur rarely, and it wastes your time to check them.

    I'd split out a separate report that you look at daily that only has failures.

    That's indeed what I would need to do and I put this in the script which would I think give me a column with failed if it's NULL... ami i ok in doing this way ?

    CASE WHEN bs.backup_finish_date is Null THEN 'FAILED'

  • I think finish_date is null while it's running as well.

    What I was implying is that you need a script that only sends failures to you.

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