Scaling Out the Distribution Database

  • Thanks for the share Kendal, very interesting indeed!

  • Kendal Van Dyke (3/31/2010)

    That said we are seeing a massive boost from running SQL2008 64 bit on W2K8.

    I'm guessing that's in part dueto the rewritten network stack in Windows 2008. There's a great whitepaper that talks about that:

    Geo-Replication Performance Gains with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Running on Windows Server 2008

    Very interesting - thanks!

    I'm now curious if anyone has scene a performance boost with LAN replication between SQL 2005 and SQl 2008. We use replication (Transactional - Push) to off-load our reporting jobs and queries, but everything is local. We're currently on SQL 2005 SP3 EE 64bit running on Windows Server 2008. I'm wondering if we'd see better replication throughput if we went to SQL 2008.

  • David, very interesting article, thank you.

    Now i am wondering in which case do we need this code below?

    Is this to keep snapshot files for each distribution database in the different location?

    Can we just simply skip this step if we want to place all snapshots in one location?

    USE [QA_Distribution]


    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'UIProperties' AND type = 'U ')

    CREATE TABLE UIProperties(id INT)

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty('SnapshotFolder', 'user','dbo', 'table', 'UIProperties', null, null))

    EXEC sp_updateextendedproperty


    N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ReplData',






    EXEC sp_addextendedproperty


    N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\ReplData',






  • I noticed the extended property when I worked through management studio and the script is for when I don't want to use management studio.

    for real deployments everything has to be scripted so it can be rolled back and the deployment itself tested.

  • Thanks, the reason why i asked is because i don't see this new table in the original distribution database.

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