Saving Labor

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Saving Labor

  • Try this (adjust for your needs), then execute the output script:

    set nocount on
    select DISTINCT 'exec sp_helptext ' AS '--','[' + + ']' AS [ ],CASE OBJECTPROPERTY(,'ExecIsTriggerDisabled') WHEN 1 THEN '--Disabled' ELSE '' END AS [---]
    from sysobjects o(readuncommitted) where COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    like '%%'
    and o.xtype IN(''
    ,'P '--: stored procedure'
    --,'IF'/*: inline function'*/,'FN'/*: scalar function'*/,'TF'/*: table function'*/
    --,'TR'--: trigger'
    --,'AP'--: application'
    --,'V '--: view'
    --,'U '--: user table'
    --,'S '--: system table'
    --,'C '--: check cns'
    --,'F '--: foreign key cns'
    --,'D '--: default (maybe cns)'
    --,'PK'--: primary key cns'
    --,'UQ'--: unique key cns'
    --,'X '--: extended stored proc'
    and not like 'dt[_]%'
    order by [---],[ ]
    set nocount off

    The trick is the store procedure sp_helptext.

    This version also works starting from Sql2000

  • Mmmm... the question said "without spending a lot of time", so I chose the fourth option!


    Edit: scrub that - I didn't read the Explanation properly.

  • Carlo Romagnano wrote:


    This version also works starting from Sql2000

    It does, but doesn't save the scripts to a file(s).

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