Sample Interval Time in Windows Perfmon?

  • Hi,

    I am going to collect SQL Server Statistics like below by using Windows Perfmon:

    1. SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Compilations/sec

    2. SQLServer:SQL Statistics\SQL Re-compilations/sec

    3. SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec

    My question is that what should I select “Sample Interval Time" in Perfmon while collecting data for above mention counters. By default Perfmon suggest 15 sec. If I go with 15 sec interval than will SQL Statistics counter values capture correct as its name imply “/sec”? Or should I set sample interval time 1 sec. because my counter is "/sec".


  • anyone plz help.


  • It directly impacts the size of log file. For longer time the counters data is collected, interval should be more. No impact on analyzing the counters.

  • sumit.agrawal (11/24/2010)

    It directly impacts the size of log file. For longer time the counters data is collected, interval should be more. No impact on analyzing the counters.

    My query related to collect correct & accurate data. Disk space is not in my query.

    Lets collect "SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec" in every 15 sec of interval. Does it Avg of 15 seconds? plz check attachment.


  • Hello all,

    I got the answer. I collect "Batch Requests/sec" counter with two intervals 1st with every second and 2nd with 15 seconds of interval. And then I check Counter values and compare in excel sheet and found that 15 seconds interval provides the Average of Interval.



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