sa account lockout question

  • I'm trying to track down something that happened in our environment today. One of our guys had inadvertently run a process that was trying to login as sa using an incorrect password.

    After several attempts, the account was locked out.

    What I am not clear about is if this is normal behavior even if the account is NOT setup to use the 'Enforce password policy' property (which I am quite certain was the case for us).

    Is it true that a certain number of failed login attempts of the sa password will cause the account to lockout? If that is the case, what is this number and is it configurable (and if so, where?)?


  • netmikem (7/23/2008)

    What I am not clear about is if this is normal behavior even if the account is NOT setup to use the 'Enforce password policy' property (which I am quite certain was the case for us).

    Is it true that a certain number of failed login attempts of the sa password will cause the account to lockout? If that is the case, what is this number and is it configurable (and if so, where?)?

    If I remember correctly, the sa account by default is setup with "enforce password policy" when you install SQL Server.

    The number of "allowed" failed logins is determined by the local pasword policy on the computer. So if you want to change it you need to change the windows policy.

    But I wouldn't do so. No application or user should ever login as sa, so I wouldn't care at all if it's locked out. The only thing I would like to know in such a case is who was trying to use that login.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanks.

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