Running Stored Procedures Via SQL-DMO

  • I am trying to write a simple app to allow MSDE users to do basic administration.

    How do I let a user run a Stored Procedure and show the results.

    I have used QueryResults to do this for Sql Select and Delete Queries which work fine.

    However with update queries they seem to run but I get an Invalid Procedure Call Error.

    I guess this is to do with quotes or syntax - suggestions appreciated.


    Set qryResult = oFormsDB.ExecuteWithResults(MystrTSQL)

    With Sp's I obviously need to be able to enter parameters.



  • Try just using executeimmediate. Once you start doing more than the simplest of queries you'll be better off using ADO for that part of it. Richer tools, returns a real recordset...queryresults aint great.


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