Running BULK INSERT from Man. Studio and files on network share - permissions?

  • Hello,

    I need a little bit of help here. I have a developer running sql BULK INSERT and importing a .CSV file that is on a network Share. He logs in as DOMAIN\Richard1 and has been granted BULK INSERT permissions.

    It looks like the server has no permissions to read the folder/file. I think I need to grant the SQL server access to that folder/file. We have the following services running using domain accounts:

    1. SQL Server is configured using DOMAIN\svc-SQL_Serv
    2. SQL Agent is configured using DOMAIN\sv-SQL_Agent

    Which of these would be running the SQL on behalf of the user? When I login to the Windows server using DOMAIN\svc-SQL_Serv it can open the Shared folders, but not where the CSV files is located.




  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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