Running a SQL Server function in .adp VBA

  • Suppose I have a SQL server function (that returns varchar, or boolean), is there a way to run that function through .adp VBA? (i.e. input parameters from an .adp form, then set a VBA variable to the SQL server function return value)

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Sure, do it all the time. Here is one example of a Sub that takes an ID (record key) and performs a function in a stored procedure Not returning a recordset.

    declare adoCNN as adodb.connection

    declare adocmd as adodb.command

    declare prm as adodb.parameters

    lId = 100

    call adoexecuteid "storedprocedurename", lId, lReturn

    if lReturn = 0 then msgbox "OK"

    Public Sub AdoExecuteID(sStoredProc As String, lid As Long, lReturn As Long)

    On Error GoTo ErrorTrap

    set adocnn = application.currentproject.connection

    Set adoCmd = New ADODB.Command

    Set prm = New ADODB.Parameter

    With adoCmd

    .ActiveConnection = adoCnn

    .CommandText = sStoredProc

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    ' Set up a return parameter.

    Set prm = .CreateParameter("Return", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)

    .Parameters.Append prm

    ' Set up an input parameter.

    Set prm = .CreateParameter("Id", adInteger, adParamInput, , lid)

    .Parameters.Append prm

    .Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords

    lReturn = .Parameters("Return")

    End With

    Set adoCmd = Nothing

    Set prm = Nothing


    Exit Sub


    For Each adoError In adoCnn.Errors

    Debug.Print adoError.Description, adoError.Number



    Resume ExitMe

    End Sub

  • Is this the best way to get a return value from a function?  Doesn't this require me to write a procedure to execute the function first?  (kind of a roundabout method)  I couldn't the above code to work for me, as I kept getting errors related to the parameters...could you show me the T-sql of the procedure this is supposed to work with? (that should enlighten me)

    The method I have been using creates a 1 record recordset to return function values, for example:

    Public Function fncTest(strIn As String) As Boolean

    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sql1 As String

    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

    Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

    sql1 = "Select Is_Member('" & strIn & "')"

    Set rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    rs.Open sql1, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

    fncTest = Nz(rs(0), False)


    Set rs = Nothing

    End Function

    Is this an inefficient way to perform such a task?  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  • aTSQL example would be:

    create procedure up_Count

    @Id int


    set nocount on

    return (select count(*) from CustomerAddress where customerID = @ID)

  • '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Public Function fncTest(strIn As String) As Boolean

    Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection, sql1 As String

    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

    Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

    sql1 = "Select Is_Member('" & strIn & "')"

    Set rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

    rs.Open sql1, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

    fncTest = Nz(rs(0), False)


    Set rs = Nothing

    End Function


    I had end-user access rights/permissions problem with code such as yours (It only worked when when I was logged in as dbo)

    Your above function would translate as a proper ADP/ADO SQL Function/Stored Procedure call:


    Private Sub MyFunction(strIn As String) As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Err_MyFunction

    MyFunction = False


    'ADO 2.6 - Works only if the parameters are same order as the SQL SProcedure


    Dim cnxCurrent As ADODB.Connection

    Set cnxCurrent = CurrentProject.Connection

    Dim cmdSProcedureEndUser As ADODB.Command

    Dim parInputParameter1 As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim parOutputParameter1 As ADODB.Parameter

    Set cmdSProcedureEndUser = New ADODB.Command

    With cmdSProcedureEndUser

    .ActiveConnection = cnxCurrent

    .CommandText = "dbo.Is_Member"

    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Set parInputParameter1 = _

    .CreateParameter("@vcMySQLinputParameterName", _

    adVarChar, adParamInput, 123, strIn)

    .Parameters.Append parInputParameter1

    Set parOutputParameter1 = _

    .CreateParameter("@bitMySQLoutputParameterName", _

    adBoolean, adParamReturnValue, , 0)

    .Parameters.Append parOutputParameter1

    .Execute 'on error jumps to Err_MyFunction

    End With

    'This code is never used as long as the SQL Function/Stored Procedure generates

    '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an error which is processed by Err_MyFunction

    If parOutputParameter1.Value = 1

    MyFunction = True

    End If

    Set cnxCurrent = Nothing

    Set cmdSProcedureEndUser = Nothing


    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "Warning: Error " & Err.Number _

    & " whilst checking Is_Member." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _

    & Err.Description, vbExclamation, _

    Me.Name & ": Checking if is a member"

    Resume Exit_MyFunction

    End Sub


    Replace the above @... SQL function parameter names and the 123 length with the correct values ...

    Above is untested refurbished code from my own Access 2002/ADP/ADO/SQL Server 2000 ...

    Best Regards,


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