Row number not exactly working

  • Using row number function with partitioning, I do not get the desired result.

    Attached image shows what the code is outputting at the moment. The last column (Expected) is what I need the values to show.

    Rows 1-3 show correct row number (RID).

    Rows 4-17 show correct row number (RID).

    Row 18 is the problem, it continues from 1st partition because it has the value of 1 in the PropertyStatusKey column. I would like it to reset and restart the numbering.

    Is this possible to do?

    My select statement is:

    select DateKey, PropertyKey, PropertyStatusKey, RID = ROW_NUMBER () OVER (Partition BY PropertyKey, PropertyStatusKey ORDER BY DateKey)

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  • I don't think you can using current partition - you will have to add some other the condition in partition -  basically  how do you determine row 18 should reset

    for example if this is based on date key then a case statement based on date

    RID = ROW_NUMBER () OVER (Partition BY PropertyKey, PropertyStatusKey , case when datekey < ... then 0 else 1 end  ORDER BY DateKey)


  • I don't have the answer to this, but I think it's a "gaps and islands" problem.  Try searching for one of the articles that's been written on that.


  • SSMS doesn't have built-in OCR, so a picture is worthless.  You should post consumable sample data like below.


    CREATE TABLE #YourTable

    INSERT #YourTable (DateKey, Property_Key, Property_Status_Key)
    (20160401, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160402, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160403, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160404, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160405, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160406, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160407, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160408, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160409, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160410, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160411, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160412, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160413, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160414, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160415, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160416, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160417, 27758, 0)
    ,(20160418, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160419, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160420, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160421, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160422, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160423, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160424, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160425, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160426, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160427, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160428, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160429, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160430, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160501, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160502, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160503, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160504, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160505, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160506, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160507, 27758, 1)
    ,(20160508, 27758, 1)

    This allows people to get started almost immediately, which greatly improves your chances of getting a TESTED answer.

    John is correct that this is a gaps and islands problem.  Here is a sample solution.

    WITH RowGroups AS
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY yt.Property_Key ORDER BY yt.DateKey) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY yt.Property_Key, yt.Property_Status_Key ORDER BY yt.DateKey) AS grp
    FROM #YourTable AS yt
    SELECT rg.DateKey, rg.Property_Key, rg.Property_Status_Key, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY rg.Property_Key, grp ORDER BY rg.DateKey) AS RID
    FROM RowGroups rg
    ORDER BY rg.DateKey;


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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