Routine Dependency Visualizer

  • I tinkered with it a bit and came up with this:

    It could be better (if I could write it in 2008 or better it'd work with dynamic sql too). But,you can look at a given database and know which procs update which tables, which procs have select * in them and whole lotta other crap. You can join it with sys.comments and find all the places in your database where the code 'plc' for example is referenced and what those dependencies are. Handy.

    create view [dbo].[vwDependencies] as

    with vw_deps (Name, object_id,parent_id,Type,DependencySchema,DependencyAction,DependencyTable,DependencyColumn,Type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom)



    o.[name],o.object_id,o2.object_id parent_id,

    o.type_desc type,

    OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(d.referenced_major_id) DependencySchema, DependencyAction,

    IsNull(o2.Name, OBJECT_NAME(d.referenced_major_id)) DependencyTable,

    COL_NAME(d.referenced_major_id, d.referenced_minor_id) DependencyColumn,

    IsNull(o2.type_desc,'Column') Type2,

    d.is_selected SelectedFrom,d.is_updated Updates,d.is_select_all SelectStarFrom


    sys.objects o

    inner join sys.sql_modules m on o.object_id = m.object_id

    left join sys.sql_dependencies d on d.object_id = m.object_id

    left join sys.sql_modules m2 on m2.object_id = d.referenced_major_id

    left join sys.objects o2 on o2.object_id = m2.object_id

    where o.object_id <> d.referenced_major_id )

    , deps (Name, object_id,parent_id,Type,DependencySchema,DependencyAction,DependencyTable,DependencyColumn,Type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom,[Level])

    as (

    SELECT name,object_id,parent_id,Type,DependencySchema,DependencyAction,DependencyTable,DependencyColumn,type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom,0 AS [Level]

    FROM vw_deps d where parent_id is null


    --Recursive member definition

    SELECT,d.object_id,d.parent_id,d.Type,d.DependencySchema,d.DependencyAction,d.DependencyTable,d.DependencyColumn,d.type2,dp.SelectedFrom,dp.Updates,dp.SelectStarFrom,Level+1 from

    vw_deps d

    inner JOIN deps AS dp

    ON d.parent_id = dp.object_id


    -- Statement that executes the CTE


    FROM deps d

    Quick! someone improve it more!!!!

  • Aaaand... the 2008 version

    alter view [dbo].[vwDependencies2008] as

    with vw_deps (Name, object_id,parent_id,Type,DepServer,DepSchema,DepAction,DepTable,DepColumn,Type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom)



    o.[name],o.object_id,o2.object_id parent_id,

    o.type_desc type,

    d.referenced_server_name DepServer,

    d.referenced_schema_name DepSchema, DepAction,

    case when is null then d.referenced_entity_name end DepTable,

    COL_NAME(d2.referenced_major_id, d2.referenced_minor_id) DependencyColumn,

    IsNull(o2.type_desc,'Column') Type2,

    d2.is_selected SelectedFrom,d2.is_updated Updates,d2.is_select_all SelectStarFrom


    sys.objects o

    inner join sys.sql_modules m on o.object_id = m.object_id

    left join sys.sql_expression_dependencies d on d.referencing_id = m.object_id

    left join sys.sql_dependencies d2 on d2.object_id = m.object_id

    left join sys.sql_modules m2 on m2.object_id = d.referenced_id

    left join sys.objects o2 on o2.object_id = m2.object_id

    where o.object_id <> d.referenced_id )

    , deps (Name, object_id,parent_id,Type,DepServer,DepSchema,DepAction,DepTable,DepColumn,Type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom,[Level])

    as (

    SELECT name,object_id,parent_id,Type,DepServer,DepSchema,DepAction,DepTable,DepColumn,type2,SelectedFrom,Updates,SelectStarFrom,0 AS [Level]

    FROM vw_deps d where parent_id is null


    --Recursive member definition

    SELECT,d.object_id,d.parent_id,d.Type,d.DepServer,d.DepSchema,d.DepAction,d.DepTable,d.DepColumn,d.type2,dp.SelectedFrom,dp.Updates,dp.SelectStarFrom,Level+1 from

    vw_deps d

    inner JOIN deps AS dp

    ON d.parent_id = dp.object_id


    -- Statement that executes the CTE


    FROM deps d

  • this is really good what you posted

    my original idea was to show just the tree of dependencies

    no details about columns just the Map so that you could see

    who called who and what called you


    routine 1

    <--- is called by Routine 3

    <--- is called by routine 4

    ---> calls table 1


    :O) but yes anyone could use all that info and plug it into it and see even more

    have to be carefull if the output gets so complex it might render useless

    the original idea to see the Tree of Calls..

  • Nice article.

  • Nice one!

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