
  • How do I insert multiple records into the database from a web page. If any of the insertion fails I have to rollack the previous also.


  • One approach would be to load the data into a working table and then insert it as a batch from that table.

    If there are any error sin the insert, all the records will fail.

    As I am not sure how transactional your system is, you will probably need to give the records a batch id to keep them together (not mix them up with another process).

    There are probably other ways but this one popped into my head straight away.



    Life without beer is no life at all

    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

  • I am having the same problem. There is some facility in SQL Server 2005 called Begin Transaction, Commit Transacion, RollBack Transaction. I am yet to study them and try them.

    V.Kadal Amutham

  • I have encountered this problem while trying to do multiple actions against a table embedded in one transaction. I.E. Insert three records indivdually prior to the commit of the tranasaction. Only the last insert would get committed. I went Steve's way and used a table to do the inserts/updates/deletes. Worked out fine.

    My issue was updating many tables ( 30+ related tables) where the requirement was to rollback all actions if any failure was encountered pior to completing all updates/inserts/deletes. I had toyed with the idea of tracking all key information for all records in all tables and segregate the transactions, but this idea was never pursued.

  • The only reason I put my suggestion up was that it appeared you were coming from a web page where it would be nearly impossible to get a single oinsert transaction for multiple records - being that you have to loop through a record set.

    The BEGIN, COMMIT and ROLLBACK TRAN commands already exist in SQL 2000 & before if memory serves me correctly.

    In Mikes case where he has 30+ related tables these are a good option. You should actually be able to control this from within your web page code or you could use a controlling stored procedure to manage the process.

    All it takes is a BEGIN TRAN at the start. Capture any errors or anomalies and either COMMIT or ROLLBACK at the end.



    Life without beer is no life at all

    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

  • what do you mean by laoding the data into a working table and then insert it as a batch from that table.

    Can someone give me a small sample example?


  • If you are coming frm a web page as I suggested, you are probably processing the rows one at a time.

    Pass each row to a stored procedure to insert into a table that you have created specifically for holding this data temporarily.

    Once all the rows have been inserted into the working table, call another stored procedure to do the work of putting the data in the correct place in your database. This is where you get to use the transaction capabilities of SQL Server.

    Two possible query options for getting then data from the working table into your database are:

    -- Update any existing rows

    UPDATE YourTable

    SET columnlist = columnlist

    FROM YourTable

    INNER JOIN WorkingTable

    ON WorkingTable.KeyFields = YourTable.KeyFields

    -- Insert rows that are not already there

    INSERT YourTable

    SELECT columnlist

    FROM WorkingTable



    SELECT 1

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE YourTable.KeyFields = WorkingTable.KeyFields


    Hope this helps



    Life without beer is no life at all

    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

  • u can do this with OPENXML in SQL Server 2000

    StrXml = "<master field1='value' field2='20.15'>

                 <detail field1 ='value/>

                 <detail field2 = 'value'/>



             @pStrXml text





    Master Record


    SELECT field1, field2

    FROM OPENXML (@IntDoc,'master')

    WITH (field1 varchar(30), field2 NUMERIC(12,2))

    Detail Record ( Take it in CURSOR)


    SELECT field1

    FROM OPENXML(@IntDoc,'master/detail')

    After this u can loop it & UPDATE / INSERT records

    IF @@ERROR <> 0


                  GOTO Error_Handler








    OPENXML Method is case sensitive

    u can go any no. of master/detail nodes

    This may help u out to solve your problem

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