Returning entire record from stored procedure

  • How do I return the entire single record from a stored procedure?  Do I have do declare variables for each field in the table, or is there an easier way?  Can someone please provide me with an example?

  • create procedure test


    select * from sysdatabases where dbid = 1


    exec test




  • Here is my stored procedure:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar)




    When I exec the stored proc, nothing gets returned, but when I run the select statement on it's own, I get the proper results.  Any clue why?

  • What is the table definition of APP_USER?  How are you calling the procecedure?

    The create statement should be something like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar(255)) where 255 is the same size as the declaration for the LAN_ID column.

  • Adding the length of the field did the trick.  I don't understand why that makes a difference, tho.  Can it only compare fields that defined as being the same size?

  • You can compare fields of any length but without the size, SQL doesn't know how big the parameter should be. 

    Try adding this and see what you get:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar)


    print '<' + @lan_id + '>'


    exec GET_USER_DETAIL 'jeff'

  • If you omit the length of varchar, sql server picks the default length.

    Normally it is around 30.

    So CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar)

    is actually like

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar(30))

    It bites

  • Actually, in this case the default size is 1.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GET_USER_DETAIL (@lan_id varchar)


    print '<' + @lan_id + '>'


    exec GET_USER_DETAIL 'jeff'

    The output is <j>

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