Restore SQL 2000 DB into SQL 2008 DB Server

  • Hi All

    U mean, Install SP1 on SQL 2k8 b4 restoring Backup off SQL Server2000 database, Am I right?

    MCTS SQL Server2k8

  • Hi Ali,

    Errors was in SQL 2008 and i Install Service Pack 1 in Sql 2008.

    My Sql 2000 have Service pack 4 and i took backup from Sql 2008 service pack 4.



  • Silly point but have you got plenty of space to restore the DB? Appears it is processing so far and then stopping. Don't forget the size of DB from 2000 to 2008 is not a 1-1 relationship ie the DB will be bigger in SQL Server 2008 than it was on SQL Server 2000.

  • Mathew M.Varghese (9/16/2010)

    Hi Ali,

    Errors was in SQL 2008 and i Install Service Pack 1 in Sql 2008.

    My Sql 2000 have Service pack 4 and i took backup from Sql 2008 service pack 4.





    Thank U Very much for clarification.

    MCTS SQL Server2k8

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