Restore script is not working

  • Below script is not working .Not sure what is wrong in it. Any suggessions pls.


    --get the last backup file name and path

    Declare @FileName varChar(255)

    Declare @cmdText varChar(255)

    Declare @bkfolder varchar(255)

    Declare @dt datetime

    set @FileName = null

    set @cmdText = null

    set @bkfolder = '\\xxxxx\xxxxx\'

    set @dt = getdate()

    create table #FileList (

    FileName varchar(255),

    DepthFlag int,

    FileFlag int


    --get all the files and folders in the backup folder and put them in temporary table

    insert into #FileList exec xp_dirtree @bkfolder,0,1

    --select * from #filelist

    --get the latest backup file name

    select top 1 @FileName = @bkfolder + FileName from #FileList where Filename like '%.bak' order by filename desc

    select @filename


    --execute the restore


    RESTORE DATABASE [xxxxx] FROM DISK = ''' + @filename + '''

    WITH MOVE N''xxxx'' TO N''F:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\''' + @dt + '''.mdf'',

    MOVE N''xxxx_Log'' TO N''L:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\LOG\''' + @dt + '''.ldf'', NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10')


    drop table #FileList

  • Can you be more specific about what specifically is not working, and what you mean by "not working"?

    Does it return an error? If so, at what point and what error?

    You probably need to explicitly convert/format your @dt variable from datetime to desired string format.

  • It is a lot easier to get recent backups from the tables in msdb:

    Can't Restore DB – SQLServerCentral Forums

  • Yes, I tried changing the @dt variable from datetime to another string format, but the script doesn't seem to be able to restore.

    To add the datetime to mdf and ldf files is what I'm aiming for.


  • You're trying to concatenate a date with a varchar which doesn't end up well unless you specify the format of the date that you want.

    Also you have too many quotes I think.

    Change the restore part to something like this:

    --execute the restore
    declare @dt2 varchar(100)=CONVERT(varchar, @dt, 112)

    EXEC ('
    RESTORE DATABASE [xxxxx] FROM DISK = ''' + @filename + '''
    WITH MOVE N''xxxx'' TO N''F:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\' + @dt2 + '.mdf'',
    MOVE N''xxxx_Log'' TO N''L:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\LOG\'+ @dt2 + '.ldf'', NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10'

    That should hopefully get you working but as mentioned previously, there are better ways of scripting it

  • Thank you! It works.

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