Reporting Services Installation.

  • Hi ,

          I am a newbie to Reporting Services. We have SQL Server 2000 sp4 installed on a windows 2003 Standard Edition.

    I installed the reporting manager on this system. I also installed the full MIcrosoft .NET 2003 application.IS THIS NECESSARY?????

    My local system is Windows 2000 and i installed Report Designer on this along with Microsoft .NET 2003 application.

    I created a report but it gives me this error. This report works in the Preview page but not the web.

    Reporting Services Error

    • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help

      • Cannot create a connection to data source 'Test'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) Get Online Help

        • Cannot generate SSPI context.

    Microsoft Reporting Services



  • Microsoft .net Framework 1.1 is a requirement of Reporting Services.  You will appreciate this feature as you develop more complex reports down the road.

    1) Your error is caused by your security configuration. When you develop the report, you are logged into the server domain, and your credentials are passed on to reporting services automatically, that’s why the preview mode.

    2) When you access reports from the web (depending on your web configuration) you may allow anonymous users or use integrated security, or a combination of both.

    3) If you are accessing Reporting Services across your LAN, it may also be a setting in Explorer to allow Automatic login only in Intranet zone. (Tools|Internet options, Security tab, Intranet Zone, custom settings).

    4) You can adjust the data source security in Reporting Services itself.

    5) Sometimes you may need to sync the clocks on the machines.

    6) Check out this KB article:

    In any case, it looks like SQL is refusing access to the current user security context. There is no specific fix; it depends entirely on how your system is configured.

    I hope this is of some help to you.

  • do we need to use "local system account" or another account for the report services service

    what do we use for the MSSQl server and the SQL AGENT service

    Please confirm...Right now for all the 3 I am using "local system account" 



  • PLEASE HELP !!!!!


  • It is extremely difficult to diagnose your problem with the information provided.  You will just have to keep searching until you find a solution. Try these:;en-us;811889&product=sql2k

    I don't know what else I can offer.

  • Let me rephrase my question:

    we have sql server 2000 set up on SYSTEM-A

    we have reporting services,VS .NET 2003,IIS installed on SYSTEM-B

    I created reports from my local system which has VS .Net 2003 installed as well.

    These reports work fine when i run them from the web or reportmanager of SYSTEM B only

    My problem :When I run the same reports on any other system I get this error

    Reporting Services Error

    • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help

      • Cannot create a connection to data source 'test'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) Get Online Help

        • Cannot generate SSPI context.

    Microsoft Reporting Services


    Note : if i create any reports on "SYSTEM B datasource" they work fine on all systems...The only problem is when i use the datasource on another system

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Problem solved...had some security issues

  • Hey what kind of security issues you had, and how did u fix it ???

    Will be helpful

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