Reporting Server Error

  • Hi, I recently started getting the below error when trying to run reports on my Reporting Services instance.

    An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. (rsReportServerDatabaseError)

    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

    I am able to query off of tables and views on my ReportServer DB and my production DBs. Does anybody know what is causing this error?

  • Attempt to access the report using IE locally on the reporting services server so that you can see the actual error message. Alternatively you can look at the Reporting Services logs which are placed at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles by default

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Messages in the error log are the same. This error is occuring for all reports on the server. Does anyone know of a solution for this?

  • Maybe the properties of one of the connections changed on the report server. That, or someone deployed a report and accidentally overwrote the connections.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Have you attempted running the report from the reportserver?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • i.e. In the properties of the solution, there is an option for OverwriteDataSources. That can cause big problems...

    CE - Microsoft

  • Hi knowitall, what exactly is the "properties of a solution?" I have about a dozen different data sources on the server and I am receiving the same error message with all of the reports

  • Do you have 1 solution, or many that are used for creating all of these reports in BIDS?

    CE - Microsoft

  • What are you referring to by "solution"?

  • SQLKnowItAll (6/5/2012)

    i.e. In the properties of the solution, there is an option for OverwriteDataSources. That can cause big problems...

    in VisualStudio, in your SSRS Solution, right-click on a Project [one of children under Parent Solution] and choose Properties. The property u need is called OverwriteDataSources

    In my experience the error you see has been most likely related to a failing datasources, probly due to expired password of your application account used in datasources.

  • guerillaunit (6/5/2012)

    What are you referring to by "solution"?

    Sorry... It would be the Project in BIDS (Visual Studio for SSRS).

    CE - Microsoft

  • Hi Sergei, I tested my data sources on my Reporting Service intranet and the tests were all successful. Any other idea on what might be causing this?

  • guerillaunit (6/5/2012)

    Hi Sergei, I tested my data sources on my Reporting Service intranet and the tests were all successful. Any other idea on what might be causing this?

    You still have not mentioned if you were able to run the reports locally on the report server or what the errors were when you run it locally.

    CE - Microsoft

  • if the reports are failing when you run them in the SSRS Report Server/Manager , next I usually:

    1. open the reports up in Visual Studio SSRS Solution and make sure that they are running there OK, returning data from your Prod DB.

    2. open up a datasource being used and make sure that its Credential property has hardcoded userid and passw. Test Connectivity for the datasource.

    3. redeploy a report and datasource with hardcoded credentials to the Report Server

    4. retest the report in the Report Server/Manager in on [presumably] remote server, either locally or from workstation

  • We had the same issue and reserved set memory for SQL and left the rest as shared.

    There also seems to be one possible solution on:

    Quoted as follows:


    Rich, hi, sorry for my english but I speak spanish...

    Well, I was tried to recreate this issue and is really hard to recreate, however and as a rain from the sky, one of my customers receive the same error that you have, reviewing Windows Logs and SQL Traces there is nothing.

    Just for discard security issues I decide to change permissions in my server.

    1. Go to SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager

    2. Go to Databases

    3. Verify the credentials used to connect to the database server

    4. Go to your database server

    5. Look for the login or user that is being used to connect to the database server from SSRS

    6. Change the role of that user and convert it to Sysadmin (Relax, this is not the final solution)

    7. Try again (Is not necesary to restart ANYTHING)

    8. Now, your SSRS and Subscriptions must work fine

    9. If your SSRS and subscriptions are working ok, you have to give some permissions to the user

    10. Grant execute permissions on














    11. Grant select permissions on



    12. Grant public role to the user in the MSDB and Master DB

    13. Remove the Sysadmin role to the user

    14. Try again, now, your SSRS is ready to work


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