Reporting from MOSS 2007 list returning 1;#

  • Hi,

    We are reporting from a custom list in MOSS 2007 using SSRS. When we try to report on a set of data from the sharepoint list we receive 1;# in front of the returned data in SQL. How do i get rid of this or stop it from showing?

    Thanks in advance.

  • I use a function like this:

    Public Shared Function RemoveSharePointListTags(ByVal ListItem As String) As String

    Dim result As String = ListItem

    Dim itemtagindex As Integer

    itemtagindex = result.indexof(";#")

    If itemtagindex>0 then

    result = result.substring(itemtagindex+2,result.length-itemtagindex-2)

    end if

    result = result.replace(" ","")

    result = result.replace(" ","")

    result = result.replace(" ","")

    return result

    end function

    and then reference it using something like this...

    =Code.RemoveSharePointListTags( )

    This isn't my code, but I can't remember where I got it from otherwise I'd give credit where credit is due. 🙂

  • Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I will give this a try at work tomorrow and let you know how i get on.

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