Report Processing Error

  • I have a database table in sql server where the date is entered via a form on a website. The table field for the date is stored as a varchar (50) data type.

    I have created a report using report builder 3.0.

    The SQL for my report is as follows:











    Enquiries.DateCreated between (@StartDate) AND (@EndDate)

    I have created two parameters within the report...@startdate And @endDate.

    In my parameter properties i have set the data type to Date/Time as i have only 4 choices of datatype to set it to in Report Builder.

    Setting the parameter to date/time datatype enables the user to select a date on a calaneder before the report is run.

    Please can you give me some idea of how I can get around the datatype mismatch to enable my report to run. I am unable to change the datatype in the SQL database.

    The error I am currently getting is: An error has occoured during report processing

    Cannot read the next data row for the dataset EnquiriesbetweenSpecific dates.

    The conversion of a varchar data type to a datatime data type resulted in an out of range value.


  • What format are your Varchar(50) dates in?

    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

  • They are stored in the database as:

    21/12/2010 00:00:00

  • When using convert you need to specify the style. So in your case the convert would look like this:

    SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,'21/12/2010 00:00:00',103)

    That will convert your varchar to a date for you. If you want to see what other styles are available see here



    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

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