Replication without inbound access to the Publisher

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to setup an environment where I will have a pseudo real time read-only copy of a database in a completely separate network. At the moment I was thinking about using transactional replication.
    The tricky part however is that while the publisher can connect to the subscriber without issue, no connection can be made to the publisher because of firewall/NAT rules that are outside my control. So basically both networks are completely segregated with the exception of 1433 opened in outbound only from the publisher to the subscriber's network.

    I though I might be able to get around this by creating the distributor on the subscriber's network, but apparently I still need to register the publisher and I didn't find a way to do this without connecting to it.

    My replication experience is limited so now I'm wondering if I'm using the right tool for the job, is what I'm trying to do even possible with this network topology? The only other idea I have right now would be setting up a VPN between the publisher and subscriber to eliminate all these issues but I'm not sure if that solution would be accepted.

    Thank you for your time!

  • You are looking for push subscription, distributor needs connect to subscriber, no need for connection from subscriber to distributor. So in your case you put publisher and distributor on the same lan, then configure subscription on publisher by adding subscriber and choosing push subscription.
    There is a really good book about replication.

  • Thank you e4d4,

    Funnily that was the second thing I had tried but I messed it up somehow. Your post is all I needed to give it another shot and do it properly this time.
    Everything is working fine now!


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